[omaha] Matts Visit

Burch Kealey bkealey at unomaha.edu
Wed Jun 19 19:42:50 CEST 2013

Below is Matt's response to my panicked email last night.  I did invite him to shelter with us to make sure he had steak and corn on his trip through Nebraska.  I am also willing to sponsor an event if I can hang up a directEDGAR sign - crass capitalist that I am.  When I say sponsor I mean provide some food and drink. The issue is to get a count and a venue.  I know some people like to have adult beverages at these things and while we can have them here the problem is that the total number of units consumed would be pretty small so the cost per unit would run pretty high since they have to be brought in by a caterer.  I would rather bring in Chipolte or Qdoba or Pizza and soft drinks.  I do have a marketing budget and this seems like an interesting way to spend some of it.

I am just struggling with how to make sure he gets to meet some interesting startups (I guess all startups are interesting) that are using Python or a derivative.  That has been the hurdle for me all along.

Hey Burch,

Yea, sorry about that! I've been awful with my plans lately. Tough being in a city with upcoming plans.

I'm actually going to be in Des Moines and was going to head to Omaha for a day or two the week after next. What do you think we should do? Is there any meetup scheduled currently? Im more than happy to come into town and meet people or give a talk like the one i submitted to DjangoCon if you think people would be interested.


My response

Matt I know the group would be interested in anything you have to say and I am working on identifying a start-up or two for you to visit.

The issue is the dates the sooner you can be specific the easier it will be to confirm and make arrangements.


With regards;

Burch T Kealey, PhD
Associate Professor of Accounting
Director of MAcc Program
Hockett Professor of Accounting
Direct 402-554-3571
Assistant (Darryl Burgdorf) 402-554-3650

University of Nebraska at Omaha
6708 Pine Street
MH 228-CC
Omaha NE, 68182-0048

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