[omaha] Python project: Doppler Value Investing stock screen

Jason Hsu jhsu802701 at jasonhsu.com
Fri Jan 4 06:30:50 CET 2013

I have combined my interest in finance with my interest in Python!

Check out my stock screening system at http://www.dopplervalueinvesting.com/screen , which will help you separate the wheat from the chaff when you're trying to decide which of over 5000+ stocks to invest in.  You can see how thousands of stocks stack up according to my criteria in the *.csv spreadsheet files available on this page.  These spreadsheet files are AUTOMATICALLY updated on a regular basis.  The price information is updated every night, and the financial data behind the figures (like Dopeler book value, Dopeler earnings, Dopeler ROE, etc.) is updated every weekend.  Do note that the results of my screens are "Dopeler" ratios and not "Doppler" ratios.  That's because you have to be a dope to buy a stock without doing any of the essential in-depth analysis that the cursory nature of the screening system misses.

I value stocks on the basis of pre-tax free cash flow instead of earnings, book value, and other conventional yardsticks.  Just as Doppler weather radar reveals things that conventional radar cannot (such as tornado vortex signatures), Doppler value investing reveals many things that conventional value investing does not.  You can easily see the high quality of companies like Fastenal and Coca Cola.  You can see why Warren Buffett doesn't like capital intensive heavy industrial companies. 

Jason Hsu <jhsu802701 at jasonhsu.com>

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