[omaha] Easy install of a private gitorious server.

Rob Townley rob.townley at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 20:02:03 CET 2013

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 5:22 PM, Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T <jeffh at dundeemt.com> wrote:
> There is always hgweb  and on the mercurial site they have a list of other
> solutions
> http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/PublishingRepositories
> The pressure for internal dcvs systems is not gigantic.  If you have the
> need for that level of control, often you will find those entities also
> unwilling to give up the master repo setup of cvs, svn, perforce, et al.
>  There are arguments to be made.
> We were, are to a degree still, a subversion shop.  The last remaining
> repos were not in shape (security scrubbing) to be worth the investment to
> just do it and push out.  Over time, they will be scrubbed, reviewed and
> then released to private 3rd party repos.
> I used hgsubversion for about a year and half.  It's ok, but full blown hg
> or git is still substantially better than a kind of/sort of dcvs client/
> master backend. (imho, of course)
> bitbucket has added a number of new features over the past 12 months,
> github still retains the lead in web features though.  The stuff I use
> often is there on bitbucket so I haven't had any qualms about using the
> service.  Stuff like merging a pull request via the web interface is nice,
> code commenting, pull commenting, etc.  github does it too.  Merging and
> forking is soooo much easier and less frustrating than with cvs or svn.
> Don't want to bag on hgweb, I've never used it.  And had been living with
> viewvcs.cgi for years for a web interface to our svn repos.  So all of this
> is just dreamy in comparison. ;)
> You should give hgweb a look.

hg beats any other _command_ simply because it is the easiest to type.
 Two index fingers in the middle of the home row.  Superior.  hg
should have been the first command ever for any OS.

For our users, simplicity would help.  Use case is not just for source
code version control, but also just plain document management for
noobs.  i will look at hgweb and the other mentioned.

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