[omaha] Real Time Mapping Displays using Python or JavaScript

Mike Hostetler mike at hostetlerhome.com
Thu Jul 14 21:25:43 CEST 2011

On Thu, 2011-07-14 at 11:45 -0500, Shawn Hermans wrote:
> All,
> I currently have a project where data is being published to a RabbitMQ feed
> in real-time.   The data is Atom/GeoRSS encoded entries.   I was wondering
> if anyone knew of a simple way to pull that data off the queue and display
> it on a map in real-time. Basically, I need to go through and see if the
> current messages match any previous Atom entries and update those entries.
> If they don't exist, I need to display those on the map. Lastly, I need to
> clean up any old data. I have done similar things with Google Earth in the
> past via a network link. I wanted to know if anyone else had different
> approaches that may work better.

I've used Gpsbabel to convert one Geo-format to another.  It's an extra
executable but it works quite fast.  

You can make up your own CSV format and have it spit out  . . . well,
just about anything:

It's what Google Earth uses as well. :)

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