[omaha] Call for Talks

Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T jeffh at dundeemt.com
Sat Feb 7 01:51:46 CET 2009

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 8:40 AM, Sean Edwards <cybersean3000 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'm new to Python so I would appreciate anything for noob's.
Can you give me an idea of how new you are to python and dynamic
languages in general?  Python has a number of kick-butt features but
depending on your previous experience in other languages some may just
be a single foot kick, while others are a double legged donkey kick.

Would something on the best resources on the web for those new to
Python be of interest?

> -=Sean Edwards=-
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T <jeffh at dundeemt.com>
> To: Omaha Python Users Group <omaha at python.org>
> Sent: Thursday, February 5, 2009 5:27:47 PM
> Subject: [omaha] Call for Talks
> With the upcoming meeting on the 16th @ the Fox and Hound on 120th &
> Dodge we could use a presentation or 2 more.  Ought to be a great time
> and there should be >1 presenters.  We are hoping to pull in some new
> faces so some good talks would be a help.
> So step right up and don't be shy -- these meetings are for everyone
> no matter the skill level w/ python.  One day I hope that we have the
> problems that the Chicago group does with lots of people wanting to
> talk about lots of things.  Got a favorite module? Wanna talk Django?
> I know that I and others would really like to hear about your
> experiences with them.
> Ping back to the thread.

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