[omaha] 2.5.1 install error

Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T jeffh at dundeemt.com
Fri Nov 16 00:57:42 CET 2007

On Nov 15, 2007 4:14 PM, Jay Hannah <jay at jays.net> wrote:
> Jeff Hinrichs wrote:
> > What *nix distribution?  Looks like it is missing. (duh) It's everywhere
> > I'm looking right now, trying to figure out if you need some other
> > package installed (happens on ubuntu at times)
> >
> Looks like this one is an old SuSE box?
> $ cat /proc/version
> Linux version 2.4.21-243-default (root at i386.suse.de) (gcc version 3.3.1
> (SuSE Linux)) #1 Thu Aug 12 15:22:14 UTC 2004
> > Maybe python-dev ??
> You sometimes need python-dev to install python?
Nope, you don't need python-dev to install python, but might have
needed it for a 3rd party module.

compileall.py lives in the python std library so not finding it would
seem to mean one of two things,
1) the path used in the script is not pointing to the right place.  If
you look in /usr/local/lib/python2.5/ do see decimal.py and shelve.py?
if the directory doesn't exist then the make file needs some guidance.

2) the directory exists and all of the other standard lib stuff is
there but not compileall.py then something is wonky with the python

if you fire up python at the command line what is the version?
then try importing the module, it should go like this.

>>> import compileall
>>> dir(compileall)
['__all__', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__',
'compile_dir', 'compile_path', 'main', 'os', 'py_compile', 'sys']

> Anyone do any web services stuff?

Some interaction with UPS data at work.  Dive in to Python has some
decent stuff on the subject,

> j
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Jeff Hinrichs
Dundee Media & Technology, Inc
jeffh at dundeemt.com

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