[omaha] Parsing bad html

Matthew Nuzum newz at bearfruit.org
Wed Dec 12 16:38:43 CET 2007

On Dec 12, 2007 7:57 AM, Mike Hostetler <mike at hostetlerhome.com> wrote:

> I was going to say the same thing. If it looks
> something like HTML, then BeautifulSoup can parse it. It's really a killer
> library for Python (although now there is a Ruby version of it).
> BeautifulSoup also has one of my favorite-named classes of all time:
> class UnicodeDammit
>  | A
> class for detecting the encoding of a *ML document and
>  | converting it to a Unicode string. If
> the source encoding is
>  | windows-1252,
> can replace MS smart quotes with their HTML or XML
>  | equivalents.
Oh, that is so beautiful. Nice tip, cp1252 is a curse.

Matthew Nuzum
newz2000 on freenode

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