[Numpy-svn] r5269 - trunk/numpy/core

numpy-svn at scipy.org numpy-svn at scipy.org
Thu Jun 12 03:23:39 EDT 2008

Author: cdavid
Date: 2008-06-12 02:23:31 -0500 (Thu, 12 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 5269

variant_dir: Rename SConscript for numpy.core.

Copied: trunk/numpy/core/SConscript (from rev 5266, trunk/numpy/core/SConstruct)

Deleted: trunk/numpy/core/SConstruct
--- trunk/numpy/core/SConstruct	2008-06-12 07:20:28 UTC (rev 5268)
+++ trunk/numpy/core/SConstruct	2008-06-12 07:23:31 UTC (rev 5269)
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-# Last Change: Mon Apr 21 07:00 PM 2008 J
-# vim:syntax=python
-import os
-import sys
-from os.path import join as pjoin, basename as pbasename, dirname as pdirname
-from copy import deepcopy
-from numscons import get_python_inc, get_pythonlib_dir
-from numscons import GetNumpyEnvironment
-from numscons import CheckCBLAS
-from numscons import write_info
-from scons_support import CheckBrokenMathlib, define_no_smp, \
-    check_mlib, check_mlibs, is_npy_no_signal
-from scons_support import array_api_gen_bld, ufunc_api_gen_bld, template_bld, \
-                          umath_bld
-env = GetNumpyEnvironment(ARGUMENTS)
-env.Append(CPPPATH = [get_python_inc()])
-if os.name == 'nt':
-    # NT needs the pythonlib to run any code importing Python.h, including
-    # simple code using only typedef and so on, so we need it for configuration
-    # checks
-    env.AppendUnique(LIBPATH = [get_pythonlib_dir()])
-# Starting Configuration
-config = env.NumpyConfigure(custom_tests = {'CheckBrokenMathlib' : CheckBrokenMathlib,
-    'CheckCBLAS' : CheckCBLAS}, config_h = pjoin(env['build_dir'], 'config.h'))
-# numpyconfig_sym will keep the values of some configuration variables, the one
-# needed for the public numpy API.
-# Convention: list of tuples (definition, value). value:
-# - 0: #undef definition
-# - 1: #define definition
-# - string: #define definition value
-numpyconfig_sym = []
-# Checking Types
-if not config.CheckHeader("Python.h"):
-    raise RuntimeError("Error: Python.h header is not found (or cannot be "
-"compiled). On linux, check that you have python-dev/python-devel packages. On"
-" windows, check \ that you have the platform SDK.")
-def check_type(type, include = None):
-    st = config.CheckTypeSize(type, includes = include)
-    type = type.replace(' ', '_')
-    if st:
-        numpyconfig_sym.append(('SIZEOF_%s' % type.upper(), '%d' % st))
-    else:
-        numpyconfig_sym.append(('SIZEOF_%s' % type.upper(), 0))
-for type in ('short', 'int', 'long', 'float', 'double', 'long double'):
-    check_type(type)
-for type in ('Py_intptr_t',):
-    check_type(type, include = "#include <Python.h>\n")
-# We check declaration AND type because that's how distutils does it.
-if config.CheckDeclaration('PY_LONG_LONG', includes = '#include <Python.h>\n'):
-    st = config.CheckTypeSize('PY_LONG_LONG',
-                              includes = '#include <Python.h>\n')
-    assert not st == 0
-    numpyconfig_sym.append(('DEFINE_NPY_SIZEOF_LONGLONG',
-                            '#define NPY_SIZEOF_LONGLONG %d' % st))
-    numpyconfig_sym.append(('DEFINE_NPY_SIZEOF_PY_LONG_LONG',
-                            '#define NPY_SIZEOF_PY_LONG_LONG %d' % st))
-    numpyconfig_sym.append(('DEFINE_NPY_SIZEOF_LONGLONG', ''))
-    numpyconfig_sym.append(('DEFINE_NPY_SIZEOF_PY_LONG_LONG', ''))
-if not config.CheckDeclaration('CHAR_BIT', includes= '#include <Python.h>\n'):
-    raise RuntimeError(\
-"""Config wo CHAR_BIT is not supported with scons: please contact the
-maintainer (cdavid)""")
-# Checking signal stuff
-if is_npy_no_signal():
-    numpyconfig_sym.append(('DEFINE_NPY_NO_SIGNAL', '#define NPY_NO_SIGNAL\n'))
-    config.Define('__NPY_PRIVATE_NO_SIGNAL',
-                  comment = "define to 1 to disable SMP support ")
-    numpyconfig_sym.append(('DEFINE_NPY_NO_SIGNAL', ''))
-# Checking SMP option
-if define_no_smp():
-    nosmp = 1
-    nosmp = 0
-numpyconfig_sym.append(('NPY_NO_SMP', nosmp))
-# Checking the mathlib
-mlibs = [[], ['m'], ['cpml']]
-mathlib = os.environ.get('MATHLIB')
-if mathlib:
-    mlibs.insert(0, mathlib)
-mlib = check_mlibs(config, mlibs)
-# XXX: this is ugly: mathlib has nothing to do in a public header file
-numpyconfig_sym.append(('MATHLIB', ','.join(mlib)))
-# Checking the math funcs available
-# Function to check:
-mfuncs = ('expl', 'expf', 'log1p', 'expm1', 'asinh', 'atanhf', 'atanhl',
-          'isnan', 'isinf', 'rint')
-# Set value to 1 for each defined function (in math lib)
-mfuncs_defined = dict([(f, 0) for f in mfuncs])
-# TODO: checklib vs checkfunc ?
-def check_func(f):
-    """Check that f is available in mlib, and add the symbol appropriately.  """
-    st = config.CheckDeclaration(f, language = 'C', includes = "#include <math.h>")
-    if st:
-        st = config.CheckFunc(f, language = 'C')
-    if st:
-        mfuncs_defined[f] = 1
-    else:
-        mfuncs_defined[f] = 0
-for f in mfuncs:
-    check_func(f)
-if mfuncs_defined['expl'] == 1:
-    config.Define('HAVE_LONGDOUBLE_FUNCS',
-                  comment = 'Define to 1 if long double funcs are available')
-if mfuncs_defined['expf'] == 1:
-    config.Define('HAVE_FLOAT_FUNCS',
-                  comment = 'Define to 1 if long double funcs are available')
-if mfuncs_defined['asinh'] == 1:
-    config.Define('HAVE_INVERSE_HYPERBOLIC',
-                  comment = 'Define to 1 if inverse hyperbolic funcs are '\
-                            'available')
-if mfuncs_defined['atanhf'] == 1:
-                  comment = 'Define to 1 if inverse hyperbolic float funcs '\
-                            'are available')
-if mfuncs_defined['atanhl'] == 1:
-                  comment = 'Define to 1 if inverse hyperbolic long double '\
-                            'funcs are available')
-# Define the function PyOS_ascii_strod if not available
-if not config.CheckDeclaration('PyOS_ascii_strtod',
-                               includes = "#include <Python.h>"):
-    if config.CheckFunc('strtod'):
-        config.Define('PyOS_ascii_strtod', 'strtod',
-                      "Define to a function to use as a replacement for "\
-                      "PyOS_ascii_strtod if not available in python header")
-# DISTUTILS Hack on AMD64 on windows
-# XXX: this is ugly
-if sys.platform=='win32' or os.name=='nt':
-    from distutils.msvccompiler import get_build_architecture
-    a = get_build_architecture()
-    print 'BUILD_ARCHITECTURE: %r, os.name=%r, sys.platform=%r' % \
-          (a, os.name, sys.platform)
-    if a == 'AMD64':
-        distutils_use_sdk = 1
-        config.Define('DISTUTILS_USE_SDK', distutils_use_sdk,
-                      "define to 1 to disable SMP support ")
-# Checking Blas
-if config.CheckCBLAS():
-    build_blasdot = 1
-    build_blasdot = 0
-#  Build
-# Generate the public configuration file
-config_dict = {}
-# XXX: this is ugly, make the API for config.h and numpyconfig.h similar
-for key, value in numpyconfig_sym:
-    config_dict['@%s@' % key] = str(value)
-env['SUBST_DICT'] = config_dict
-include_dir = 'include/numpy'
-env.SubstInFile(pjoin(env['build_dir'], 'numpyconfig.h'),
-                pjoin(env['src_dir'], include_dir, 'numpyconfig.h.in'))
-env['CONFIG_H_GEN'] = numpyconfig_sym
-# Builder for generated code
-env.Append(BUILDERS = {'GenerateMultiarrayApi' : array_api_gen_bld,
-                       'GenerateUfuncApi' : ufunc_api_gen_bld,
-                       'GenerateFromTemplate' : template_bld,
-                       'GenerateUmath' : umath_bld})
-# Generate generated code
-scalartypes_src = env.GenerateFromTemplate(pjoin('src', 'scalartypes.inc.src'))
-arraytypes_src = env.GenerateFromTemplate(pjoin('src', 'arraytypes.inc.src'))
-sortmodule_src = env.GenerateFromTemplate(pjoin('src', '_sortmodule.c.src'))
-umathmodule_src = env.GenerateFromTemplate(pjoin('src', 'umathmodule.c.src'))
-scalarmathmodule_src = env.GenerateFromTemplate(
-                            pjoin('src', 'scalarmathmodule.c.src'))
-umath = env.GenerateUmath('__umath_generated',
-                          pjoin('code_generators', 'generate_umath.py'))
-multiarray_api = env.GenerateMultiarrayApi('multiarray_api',
-                        [ pjoin('code_generators', 'numpy_api_order.txt')])
-ufunc_api = env.GenerateUfuncApi('ufunc_api',
-                    pjoin('code_generators', 'ufunc_api_order.txt'))
-env.Append(CPPPATH = [pjoin(env['src_dir'], 'include'), env['build_dir']])
-# Build multiarray
-multiarray_src = [pjoin('src', 'multiarraymodule.c')]
-multiarray = env.NumpyPythonExtension('multiarray', source = multiarray_src)
-# Build sort module
-sort = env.NumpyPythonExtension('_sort', source = sortmodule_src)
-# Build umath module
-umathmodule = env.NumpyPythonExtension('umath', source = umathmodule_src)
-# Build scalarmath module
-scalarmathmodule = env.NumpyPythonExtension('scalarmath',
-                                            source = scalarmathmodule_src)
-# Build _dotblas module
-if build_blasdot:
-    dotblas_src = [pjoin('blasdot', i) for i in ['_dotblas.c']]
-    blasenv = env.Clone()
-    blasenv.Append(CPPPATH = pjoin(env['src_dir'], 'blasdot'))
-    dotblas = blasenv.NumpyPythonExtension('_dotblas', source = dotblas_src)

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