[Numpy-svn] r5431 - branches/1.1.x/numpy/doc/cython

numpy-svn at scipy.org numpy-svn at scipy.org
Wed Jul 16 11:50:09 EDT 2008

Author: charris
Date: 2008-07-16 10:49:59 -0500 (Wed, 16 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 5431

Backport first half r5298.

Deleted: branches/1.1.x/numpy/doc/cython/Python.pxi
--- branches/1.1.x/numpy/doc/cython/Python.pxi	2008-07-16 05:38:55 UTC (rev 5430)
+++ branches/1.1.x/numpy/doc/cython/Python.pxi	2008-07-16 15:49:59 UTC (rev 5431)
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# :Author:    Robert Kern
-# :Copyright: 2004, Enthought, Inc.
-# :License:   BSD Style
-cdef extern from "Python.h":
-    # Not part of the Python API, but we might as well define it here.
-    # Note that the exact type doesn't actually matter for Pyrex.
-    ctypedef int size_t
-    # Some type declarations we need
-    ctypedef int Py_intptr_t
-    # String API
-    char* PyString_AsString(object string)
-    char* PyString_AS_STRING(object string)
-    object PyString_FromString(char* c_string)
-    object PyString_FromStringAndSize(char* c_string, int length)
-    object PyString_InternFromString(char *v)
-    # Float API
-    object PyFloat_FromDouble(double v)
-    double PyFloat_AsDouble(object ob)
-    long PyInt_AsLong(object ob)
-    # Memory API
-    void* PyMem_Malloc(size_t n)
-    void* PyMem_Realloc(void* buf, size_t n)
-    void PyMem_Free(void* buf)
-    void Py_DECREF(object obj)
-    void Py_XDECREF(object obj)
-    void Py_INCREF(object obj)
-    void Py_XINCREF(object obj)
-    # CObject API
-    ctypedef void (*destructor1)(void* cobj)
-    ctypedef void (*destructor2)(void* cobj, void* desc)
-    int PyCObject_Check(object p)
-    object PyCObject_FromVoidPtr(void* cobj, destructor1 destr)
-    object PyCObject_FromVoidPtrAndDesc(void* cobj, void* desc, 
-        destructor2 destr)
-    void* PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(object self)
-    void* PyCObject_GetDesc(object self)
-    int PyCObject_SetVoidPtr(object self, void* cobj)  
-    # TypeCheck API
-    int PyFloat_Check(object obj)
-    int PyInt_Check(object obj)
-    # Error API
-    int PyErr_Occurred()
-    void PyErr_Clear()
-    int  PyErr_CheckSignals()
-cdef extern from "string.h":
-    void *memcpy(void *s1, void *s2, int n)
-cdef extern from "math.h":
-    double fabs(double x)

Copied: branches/1.1.x/numpy/doc/cython/c_numpy.pxd (from rev 5429, branches/1.1.x/numpy/doc/cython/numpy.pxi)

Copied: branches/1.1.x/numpy/doc/cython/c_python.pxd (from rev 5429, branches/1.1.x/numpy/doc/cython/Python.pxi)

Deleted: branches/1.1.x/numpy/doc/cython/numpy.pxi
--- branches/1.1.x/numpy/doc/cython/numpy.pxi	2008-07-16 05:38:55 UTC (rev 5430)
+++ branches/1.1.x/numpy/doc/cython/numpy.pxi	2008-07-16 15:49:59 UTC (rev 5431)
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-# :Author:    Travis Oliphant
-cdef extern from "numpy/arrayobject.h":
-    cdef enum NPY_TYPES:
-        NPY_BOOL
-        NPY_BYTE
-        NPY_UBYTE
-        NPY_SHORT
-        NPY_USHORT 
-        NPY_INT
-        NPY_UINT 
-        NPY_LONG
-        NPY_ULONG
-        NPY_FLOAT
-        NPY_DOUBLE 
-        NPY_CFLOAT
-        NPY_CDOUBLE
-        NPY_OBJECT
-        NPY_STRING
-        NPY_UNICODE
-        NPY_VOID
-        NPY_NTYPES
-        NPY_NOTYPE
-    cdef enum requirements:
-        NPY_FORTRAN
-        NPY_OWNDATA
-        NPY_ALIGNED
-        NPY_BEHAVED
-        NPY_CARRAY
-        NPY_CARRAY_RO
-        NPY_FARRAY
-        NPY_FARRAY_RO
-        NPY_DEFAULT
-        NPY_IN_ARRAY
-        NPY_OUT_ARRAY
-        NPY_IN_FARRAY
-        NPY_UPDATE_ALL 
-    cdef enum defines:
-        NPY_MAXDIMS
-    ctypedef struct npy_cdouble:
-        double real
-        double imag
-    ctypedef struct npy_cfloat:
-        double real
-        double imag
-    ctypedef int npy_intp 
-    ctypedef extern class numpy.dtype [object PyArray_Descr]:
-        cdef int type_num, elsize, alignment
-        cdef char type, kind, byteorder, hasobject
-        cdef object fields, typeobj
-    ctypedef extern class numpy.ndarray [object PyArrayObject]:
-        cdef char *data
-        cdef int nd
-        cdef npy_intp *dimensions
-        cdef npy_intp *strides
-        cdef object base
-        cdef dtype descr
-        cdef int flags
-    ctypedef extern class numpy.flatiter [object PyArrayIterObject]:
-        cdef int  nd_m1
-        cdef npy_intp index, size
-        cdef ndarray ao
-        cdef char *dataptr
-    ctypedef extern class numpy.broadcast [object PyArrayMultiIterObject]:
-        cdef int numiter
-        cdef npy_intp size, index
-        cdef int nd
-        cdef npy_intp *dimensions
-        cdef void **iters
-    object PyArray_ZEROS(int ndims, npy_intp* dims, NPY_TYPES type_num, int fortran)
-    object PyArray_EMPTY(int ndims, npy_intp* dims, NPY_TYPES type_num, int fortran)
-    dtype PyArray_DescrFromTypeNum(NPY_TYPES type_num)
-    object PyArray_SimpleNew(int ndims, npy_intp* dims, NPY_TYPES type_num)
-    int PyArray_Check(object obj)
-    object PyArray_ContiguousFromAny(object obj, NPY_TYPES type, 
-        int mindim, int maxdim)
-    object PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(object obj, NPY_TYPES type, 
-        int mindim, int maxdim)
-    npy_intp PyArray_SIZE(ndarray arr)
-    npy_intp PyArray_NBYTES(ndarray arr)
-    void *PyArray_DATA(ndarray arr)
-    object PyArray_FromAny(object obj, dtype newtype, int mindim, int maxdim,
-		    int requirements, object context)
-    object PyArray_FROMANY(object obj, NPY_TYPES type_num, int min,
-                           int max, int requirements)
-    object PyArray_NewFromDescr(object subtype, dtype newtype, int nd,
-                                npy_intp* dims, npy_intp* strides, void* data,
-                                int flags, object parent)
-    object PyArray_FROM_OTF(object obj, NPY_TYPES type, int flags)
-    object PyArray_EnsureArray(object)
-    object PyArray_MultiIterNew(int n, ...)
-    char *PyArray_MultiIter_DATA(broadcast multi, int i)
-    void PyArray_MultiIter_NEXTi(broadcast multi, int i) 
-    void PyArray_MultiIter_NEXT(broadcast multi)
-    object PyArray_IterNew(object arr)
-    void PyArray_ITER_NEXT(flatiter it)
-    void import_array()

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