[Numpy-svn] r5611 - in trunk/numpy: core/tests lib lib/tests

numpy-svn at scipy.org numpy-svn at scipy.org
Tue Aug 5 11:44:04 EDT 2008

Author: dhuard
Date: 2008-08-05 10:43:45 -0500 (Tue, 05 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 5611

Follow-up on changes to histogram semantics.
`new` is now set to None by default, which triggers the new behaviour and prints a warning.

Modified: trunk/numpy/core/tests/test_regression.py
--- trunk/numpy/core/tests/test_regression.py	2008-08-05 09:20:07 UTC (rev 5610)
+++ trunk/numpy/core/tests/test_regression.py	2008-08-05 15:43:45 UTC (rev 5611)
@@ -809,9 +809,9 @@
     def test_hist_bins_as_list(self, level=rlevel):
         """Ticket #632"""
         import warnings
-        warnings.simplefilter('ignore', FutureWarning)
+        warnings.simplefilter('ignore', Warning)
-            hist,edges = np.histogram([1,2,3,4],[1,2])
+            hist,edges = np.histogram([1,2,3,4],[1,2],  new=False)

Modified: trunk/numpy/lib/function_base.py
--- trunk/numpy/lib/function_base.py	2008-08-05 09:20:07 UTC (rev 5610)
+++ trunk/numpy/lib/function_base.py	2008-08-05 15:43:45 UTC (rev 5611)
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
     except: return 0
     return 1
-def histogram(a, bins=10, range=None, normed=False, weights=None, new=False):
+def histogram(a, bins=10, range=None, normed=False, weights=None, new=None):
     Compute the histogram of a set of data.
@@ -200,14 +200,15 @@
     a : array_like
         Input data.
     bins : int or sequence of scalars, optional
-        If `bins` is an int, it gives the number of equal-width bins in the
-        given range (10, by default).  If `new` is True, bins can also be
-        the bin edges, allowing for non-uniform bin widths.
+        If `bins` is an int, it defines the number of equal-width 
+        bins in the given range (10, by default). If `bins` is a sequence,
+        it defines the bin edges, including the rightmost edge, allowing 
+        for non-uniform bin widths.
     range : (float, float), optional
         The lower and upper range of the bins.  If not provided, range
-        is simply ``(a.min(), a.max())``.  With `new` set to True, values
-        outside the range are ignored.  With `new` set to False, values
-        below the range are ignored, and those above the range are tallied
+        is simply ``(a.min(), a.max())``.  Values outside the range are
+        ignored. Note that with `new` set to False, values below 
+        the range are ignored, while those above the range are tallied
         in the rightmost bin.
     normed : bool, optional
         If False, the result will contain the number of samples
@@ -222,21 +223,23 @@
         (instead of 1).  If `normed` is True, the weights are normalized,
         so that the integral of the density over the range remains 1.
         The `weights` keyword is only available with `new` set to True.
-    new : bool, optional
-        Compatibility argument to aid in the transition between the old
-        (v1.1) and the new (v1.2) implementations.  In version 1.2,
-        `new` will be True by default.
+    new : {None, True, False}, optional
+        Whether to use the new semantics for histogram: 
+          * None : the new behaviour is used, and a warning is printed,
+          * True : the new behaviour is used and no warning is printed,
+          * False : the old behaviour is used and a message is printed 
+              warning about future deprecation.
     hist : array
         The values of the histogram. See `normed` and `weights` for a
         description of the possible semantics.
     bin_edges : array of dtype float
-        With ``new = False``, return the left bin edges (``length(hist)``).
-        With ``new = True``, return the bin edges ``(length(hist)+1)``.
+        Return the bin edges ``(length(hist)+1)``.
+        With ``new=False``, return the left bin edges (``length(hist)``).
     See Also
@@ -259,13 +262,20 @@
     # Old behavior
-    if new is False:
+    if new == False:
-        The semantics of histogram will be modified in
-        release 1.2 to improve outlier handling. The new behavior can be
-        obtained using new=True. Note that the new version accepts/returns
-        the bin edges instead of the left bin edges.
-        Please read the docstring for more information.""", FutureWarning)
+        The original semantics of histogram is scheduled to be 
+        deprecated in NumPy 1.3. The new semantics fixes 
+        long-standing issues with outliers handling. The main
+        changes concern 
+        1. the definition of the bin edges, 
+           now including the rightmost edge, and 
+        2. the handling of upper outliers, 
+           now ignored rather than tallied in the rightmost bin. 
+        Please read the docstring for more information.
+        """, Warning)
         a = asarray(a).ravel()
         if (range is not None):
@@ -277,10 +287,6 @@
         if not iterable(bins):
             if range is None:
                 range = (a.min(), a.max())
-            else:
-                warnings.warn("""
-                Outliers handling will change in version 1.2.
-                Please read the docstring for details.""", FutureWarning)
             mn, mx = [mi+0.0 for mi in range]
             if mn == mx:
                 mn -= 0.5
@@ -289,10 +295,7 @@
             if normed:
                 raise ValueError, 'Use new=True to pass bin edges explicitly.'
-            warnings.warn("""
-            The semantic for bins will change in version 1.2.
-            The bins will become the bin edges, instead of the left bin edges.
-            """, FutureWarning)
+                raise ValueError, 'Use new=True to pass bin edges explicitly.'
             bins = asarray(bins)
             if (np.diff(bins) < 0).any():
                 raise AttributeError, 'bins must increase monotonically.'
@@ -318,7 +321,24 @@
     # New behavior
-    elif new is True:
+    elif new in [True, None]:
+        if new is None:
+            warnings.warn("""
+            The semantics of histogram has been modified in
+            the current release to fix long-standing issues with
+            outliers handling. The main changes concern 
+            1. the definition of the bin edges, 
+               now including the rightmost edge, and 
+            2. the handling of upper outliers, now ignored rather
+               than tallied in the rightmost bin. 
+            The previous behaviour is still accessible using 
+            `new=False`, but is scheduled to be deprecated in the 
+            next release (1.3). 
+            *This warning will not printed in the 1.3 release.*
+            Please read the docstring for more information.
+            """, Warning)
         a = asarray(a)
         if weights is not None:
             weights = asarray(weights)

Modified: trunk/numpy/lib/tests/test_function_base.py
--- trunk/numpy/lib/tests/test_function_base.py	2008-08-05 09:20:07 UTC (rev 5610)
+++ trunk/numpy/lib/tests/test_function_base.py	2008-08-05 15:43:45 UTC (rev 5611)
@@ -440,110 +440,116 @@
 class TestHistogram(TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        warnings.simplefilter('ignore', FutureWarning)
+        warnings.simplefilter('ignore', Warning)
     def tearDown(self):
-    def test_simple(self):
+    def test_simple_old(self):
-        (a,b)=histogram(v)
+        (a,b)=histogram(v,  new=False)
         #check if the sum of the bins equals the number of samples
         assert_equal(sum(a,axis=0), n)
         #check that the bin counts are evenly spaced when the data is from a
         # linear function
-        (a,b)=histogram(linspace(0,10,100))
+        (a,b)=histogram(linspace(0,10,100),  new=False)
         assert_array_equal(a, 10)
-    def test_simple_new(self):
+    def test_simple(self):
-        (a,b)=histogram(v, new=True)
+        (a,b)=histogram(v)
         #check if the sum of the bins equals the number of samples
         assert_equal(sum(a,axis=0), n)
         #check that the bin counts are evenly spaced when the data is from a
         # linear function
-        (a,b)=histogram(linspace(0,10,100), new=True)
+        (a,b)=histogram(linspace(0,10,100))
         assert_array_equal(a, 10)
-    def test_normed_new(self):
+    def test_one_bin(self):
+        # Ticket 632
+        hist,edges = histogram([1,2,3,4],[1,2])
+        assert_array_equal(hist,[2, ])
+        assert_array_equal(edges,[1,2])
+    def test_normed(self):
         # Check that the integral of the density equals 1.
         n = 100
         v = rand(n)
-        a,b = histogram(v, normed=True, new=True)
+        a,b = histogram(v, normed=True)
         area = sum(a*diff(b))
         assert_almost_equal(area, 1)
         # Check with non constant bin width
         v = rand(n)*10
         bins = [0,1,5, 9, 10]
-        a,b = histogram(v, bins, normed=True, new=True)
+        a,b = histogram(v, bins, normed=True)
         area = sum(a*diff(b))
         assert_almost_equal(area, 1)
-    def test_outliers_new(self):
+    def test_outliers(self):
         # Check that outliers are not tallied
         a = arange(10)+.5
         # Lower outliers
-        h,b = histogram(a, range=[0,9], new=True)
+        h,b = histogram(a, range=[0,9])
         # Upper outliers
-        h,b = histogram(a, range=[1,10], new=True)
+        h,b = histogram(a, range=[1,10])
         # Normalization
-        h,b = histogram(a, range=[1,9], normed=True, new=True)
+        h,b = histogram(a, range=[1,9], normed=True)
         # Weights
         w = arange(10)+.5
-        h,b = histogram(a, range=[1,9], weights=w, normed=True, new=True)
+        h,b = histogram(a, range=[1,9], weights=w, normed=True)
-        h,b = histogram(a, bins=8, range=[1,9], weights=w, new=True)
+        h,b = histogram(a, bins=8, range=[1,9], weights=w)
         assert_equal(h, w[1:-1])
-    def test_type_new(self):
+    def test_type(self):
         # Check the type of the returned histogram
         a = arange(10)+.5
-        h,b = histogram(a, new=True)
+        h,b = histogram(a)
         assert(issubdtype(h.dtype, int))
-        h,b = histogram(a, normed=True, new=True)
+        h,b = histogram(a, normed=True)
         assert(issubdtype(h.dtype, float))
-        h,b = histogram(a, weights=ones(10, int), new=True)
+        h,b = histogram(a, weights=ones(10, int))
         assert(issubdtype(h.dtype, int))
-        h,b = histogram(a, weights=ones(10, float), new=True)
+        h,b = histogram(a, weights=ones(10, float))
         assert(issubdtype(h.dtype, float))
-    def test_weights_new(self):
+    def test_weights(self):
         v = rand(100)
         w = ones(100)*5
-        a,b = histogram(v,new=True)
-        na,nb = histogram(v, normed=True, new=True)
-        wa,wb = histogram(v, weights=w, new=True)
-        nwa,nwb = histogram(v, weights=w, normed=True, new=True)
+        a,b = histogram(v)
+        na,nb = histogram(v, normed=True)
+        wa,wb = histogram(v, weights=w)
+        nwa,nwb = histogram(v, weights=w, normed=True)
         assert_array_almost_equal(a*5, wa)
         assert_array_almost_equal(na, nwa)
         # Check weights are properly applied.
         v = linspace(0,10,10)
         w = concatenate((zeros(5), ones(5)))
-        wa,wb = histogram(v, bins=arange(11),weights=w, new=True)
+        wa,wb = histogram(v, bins=arange(11),weights=w)
         assert_array_almost_equal(wa, w)
         # Check with integer weights
-        wa, wb = histogram([1,2,2,4], bins=4, weights=[4,3,2,1], new=True)
+        wa, wb = histogram([1,2,2,4], bins=4, weights=[4,3,2,1])
         assert_array_equal(wa, [4,5,0,1])
-        wa, wb = histogram([1,2,2,4], bins=4, weights=[4,3,2,1], normed=True, new=True)
+        wa, wb = histogram([1,2,2,4], bins=4, weights=[4,3,2,1], normed=True)
         assert_array_equal(wa, array([4,5,0,1])/10./3.*4)
 class TestHistogramdd(TestCase):

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