[Numpy-svn] r5024 - trunk/numpy/lib

numpy-svn at scipy.org numpy-svn at scipy.org
Fri Apr 11 03:08:24 EDT 2008

Author: oliphant
Date: 2008-04-11 02:08:13 -0500 (Fri, 11 Apr 2008)
New Revision: 5024

Add lookfor function from ticket #734

Modified: trunk/numpy/lib/utils.py
--- trunk/numpy/lib/utils.py	2008-04-11 06:59:11 UTC (rev 5023)
+++ trunk/numpy/lib/utils.py	2008-04-11 07:08:13 UTC (rev 5024)
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
 import os
 import sys
 import inspect
+import pkgutil
 import types
+import re
+import pydoc
 from numpy.core.numerictypes import obj2sctype, generic
 from numpy.core.multiarray import dtype as _dtype
 from numpy.core import product, ndarray
@@ -10,7 +13,7 @@
 __all__ = ['issubclass_', 'get_numpy_include', 'issubsctype',
            'issubdtype', 'deprecate', 'deprecate_with_doc',
-           'get_include', 'info', 'source', 'who',
+           'get_include', 'info', 'source', 'who', 'lookfor',
            'byte_bounds', 'may_share_memory', 'safe_eval']
 def issubclass_(arg1, arg2):
@@ -471,6 +474,188 @@
         print >> output,  "Not available for this object."
+# Cache for lookfor: {id(module): {name: (docstring, kind, index), ...}...}
+# where kind: "func", "class", "module", "object"
+# and index: index in breadth-first namespace traversal
+_lookfor_caches = {}
+# regexp whose match indicates that the string may contain a function signature
+_function_signature_re = re.compile(r"[a-z_]+\(.*[,=].*\)", re.I)
+def lookfor(what, module=None, import_modules=True, regenerate=False):
+    """
+    Search for objects whose documentation contains all given words.
+    Shows a summary of matching objects, sorted roughly by relevance.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    what : str
+        String containing words to look for.
+    module : str, module
+        Module whose docstrings to go through.
+    import_modules : bool
+        Whether to import sub-modules in packages.
+        Will import only modules in __all__
+    regenerate: bool
+        Re-generate the docstring cache
+    """
+    # Cache
+    cache = _lookfor_generate_cache(module, import_modules, regenerate)
+    # Search
+    # XXX: maybe using a real stemming search engine would be better?
+    found = []
+    whats = str(what).lower().split()
+    if not whats: return
+    for name, (docstring, kind, index) in cache.iteritems():
+        if kind in ('module', 'object'): 
+            # don't show modules or objects
+            continue
+        ok = True
+        doc = docstring.lower()
+        for w in whats:
+            if w not in doc:
+                ok = False
+                break
+        if ok:
+            found.append(name)
+    # Relevance sort
+    # XXX: this is full Harrison-Stetson heuristics now,
+    # XXX: it probably could be improved
+    kind_relevance = {'func': 1000, 'class': 1000, 
+                      'module': -1000, 'object': -1000}
+    def relevance(name, docstr, kind, index):
+        r = 0
+        # do the keywords occur within the start of the docstring?
+        first_doc = "\n".join(docstr.lower().strip().split("\n")[:3])
+        r += sum([200 for w in whats if w in first_doc])
+        # do the keywords occur in the function name?
+        r += sum([30 for w in whats if w in name])
+        # is the full name long?
+        r += -len(name) * 5
+        # is the object of bad type?
+        r += kind_relevance.get(kind, -1000)
+        # is the object deep in namespace hierarchy?
+        r += -name.count('.') * 10
+        r += max(-index / 100, -100)
+        return r
+    def relevance_sort(a, b):
+        dr = relevance(b, *cache[b]) - relevance(a, *cache[a])
+        if dr != 0: return dr
+        else: return cmp(a, b)
+    found.sort(relevance_sort)
+    # Pretty-print
+    s = "Search results for '%s'" % (' '.join(whats))
+    help_text = [s, "-"*len(s)]
+    for name in found:
+        doc, kind, ix = cache[name]
+        doclines = [line.strip() for line in doc.strip().split("\n")
+                    if line.strip()]
+        # find a suitable short description
+        try:
+            first_doc = doclines[0].strip()
+            if _function_signature_re.search(first_doc):
+                first_doc = doclines[1].strip()
+        except IndexError:
+            first_doc = ""
+        help_text.append("%s\n    %s" % (name, first_doc))
+    # Output
+    if len(help_text) > 10:
+        pager = pydoc.getpager()
+        pager("\n".join(help_text))
+    else:
+        print "\n".join(help_text)
+def _lookfor_generate_cache(module, import_modules, regenerate):
+    """
+    Generate docstring cache for given module.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    module : str, None, module
+        Module for which to generate docstring cache
+    import_modules : bool
+        Whether to import sub-modules in packages.
+        Will import only modules in __all__
+    regenerate: bool
+        Re-generate the docstring cache
+    Returns
+    -------
+    cache : dict {obj_full_name: (docstring, kind, index), ...}
+        Docstring cache for the module, either cached one (regenerate=False)
+        or newly generated.
+    """
+    global _lookfor_caches
+    if module is None:
+        module = "numpy"
+    if isinstance(module, str):
+        module = __import__(module)
+    if id(module) in _lookfor_caches and not regenerate:
+        return _lookfor_caches[id(module)]
+    # walk items and collect docstrings
+    cache = {}
+    _lookfor_caches[id(module)] = cache
+    seen = {}
+    index = 0
+    stack = [(module.__name__, module)]
+    while stack:
+        name, item = stack.pop(0)
+        if id(item) in seen: continue
+        seen[id(item)] = True
+        index += 1
+        kind = "object"
+        if inspect.ismodule(item):
+            kind = "module"
+            try:
+                _all = item.__all__
+            except AttributeError:
+                _all = None
+            # import sub-packages
+            if import_modules and hasattr(item, '__path__'):
+                for m in pkgutil.iter_modules(item.__path__):
+                    if _all is not None and m[1] not in _all:
+                        continue
+                    try:
+                        __import__("%s.%s" % (name, m[1]))
+                    except ImportError:
+                        continue
+            for n, v in inspect.getmembers(item):
+                if _all is not None and n not in _all:
+                    continue
+                stack.append(("%s.%s" % (name, n), v))
+        elif inspect.isclass(item):
+            kind = "class"
+            for n, v in inspect.getmembers(item):
+                stack.append(("%s.%s" % (name, n), v))
+        elif callable(item):
+            kind = "func"
+        doc = inspect.getdoc(item)
+        if doc is not None:
+            cache[name] = (doc, kind, index)
+    return cache
 # The following SafeEval class and company are adapted from Michael Spencer's

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