[Numpy-svn] r3853 - trunk/numpy/distutils

numpy-svn at scipy.org numpy-svn at scipy.org
Fri Jun 1 06:15:43 EDT 2007

Author: pearu
Date: 2007-06-01 05:15:17 -0500 (Fri, 01 Jun 2007)
New Revision: 3853

Undo changeset 3839: interactive support is being used (this convinient on windows where one can click on setup.py and build the numpy or whatever package in 2 keystrokes).

Modified: trunk/numpy/distutils/core.py
--- trunk/numpy/distutils/core.py	2007-05-31 22:11:24 UTC (rev 3852)
+++ trunk/numpy/distutils/core.py	2007-06-01 10:15:17 UTC (rev 3853)
@@ -98,7 +98,24 @@
         dist = distutils.dist.Distribution()
     return dist
+def _exit_interactive_session(_cache=[]): 
+    if _cache: 
+        return # been here 
+    _cache.append(1) 
+    print '-'*72 
+    raw_input('Press ENTER to close the interactive session..') 
+    print '='*72 
 def setup(**attr):
+    if len(sys.argv)<=1 and not attr.get('script_args',[]): 
+        from interactive import interactive_sys_argv 
+        import atexit 
+        atexit.register(_exit_interactive_session) 
+        sys.argv[:] = interactive_sys_argv(sys.argv) 
+        if len(sys.argv)>1: 
+            return setup(**attr) 
     cmdclass = numpy_cmdclass.copy()
     new_attr = attr.copy()

Added: trunk/numpy/distutils/interactive.py
--- trunk/numpy/distutils/interactive.py	2007-05-31 22:11:24 UTC (rev 3852)
+++ trunk/numpy/distutils/interactive.py	2007-06-01 10:15:17 UTC (rev 3853)
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+import os
+import sys
+from pprint import pformat
+__all__ = ['interactive_sys_argv']
+def show_information(*args):
+    print 'Python',sys.version
+    for a in ['platform','prefix','byteorder','path']:
+        print 'sys.%s = %s' % (a,pformat(getattr(sys,a)))
+    for a in ['name']:
+        print 'os.%s = %s' % (a,pformat(getattr(os,a)))
+    if hasattr(os,'uname'):
+        print 'system,node,release,version,machine = ',os.uname()
+def show_environ(*args):
+    for k,i in os.environ.items():
+        print '  %s = %s' % (k, i)
+def show_fortran_compilers(*args):
+    from fcompiler import show_fcompilers
+    show_fcompilers()
+def show_compilers(*args):
+    from distutils.ccompiler import show_compilers
+    show_compilers()
+def show_tasks(argv,ccompiler,fcompiler):
+    print """\
+  i       - Show python/platform/machine information
+  ie      - Show environment information
+  c       - Show C compilers information
+  c<name> - Set C compiler (current:%s)
+  f       - Show Fortran compilers information
+  f<name> - Set Fortran compiler (current:%s)
+  e       - Edit proposed sys.argv[1:].
+Task aliases:
+  0         - Configure
+  1         - Build
+  2         - Install
+  2<prefix> - Install with prefix.
+  3         - Inplace build
+  4         - Source distribution
+  5         - Binary distribution
+Proposed sys.argv = %s
+    """ % (ccompiler, fcompiler, argv)
+from exec_command import splitcmdline
+def edit_argv(*args):
+    argv = args[0]
+    readline = args[1]
+    if readline is not None:
+        readline.add_history(' '.join(argv[1:]))
+    try:
+        s = raw_input('Edit argv [UpArrow to retrive %r]: ' % (' '.join(argv[1:])))
+    except EOFError:
+        return
+    if s:
+        argv[1:] = splitcmdline(s)
+    return
+def interactive_sys_argv(argv):
+    print '='*72
+    print 'Starting interactive session'
+    print '-'*72
+    readline = None
+    try:
+        try:
+            import readline
+        except ImportError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            import tempfile
+            tdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
+            username = os.environ.get('USER',os.environ.get('USERNAME','UNKNOWN'))
+            histfile = os.path.join(tdir,".pyhist_interactive_setup-" + username)
+            try:
+                try: readline.read_history_file(histfile)
+                except IOError: pass
+                import atexit
+                atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, histfile)
+            except AttributeError: pass
+    except Exception, msg:
+        print msg
+    task_dict = {'i':show_information,
+                 'ie':show_environ,
+                 'f':show_fortran_compilers,
+                 'c':show_compilers,
+                 'e':edit_argv,
+                 }
+    c_compiler_name = None
+    f_compiler_name = None
+    while 1:
+        show_tasks(argv,c_compiler_name, f_compiler_name)
+        try:
+            task = raw_input('Choose a task (^D to quit, Enter to continue with setup): ').lower()
+        except EOFError:
+            print
+            task = 'quit'
+        if task=='': break
+        if task=='quit': sys.exit()
+        task_func = task_dict.get(task,None)
+        if task_func is None:
+            if task[0]=='c':
+                c_compiler_name = task[1:]
+                if c_compiler_name=='none':
+                    c_compiler_name = None
+                continue
+            if task[0]=='f':
+                f_compiler_name = task[1:]
+                if f_compiler_name=='none':
+                    f_compiler_name = None
+                continue
+            if task[0]=='2' and len(task)>1:
+                prefix = task[1:]
+                task = task[0]
+            else:
+                prefix = None
+            if task == '4':
+                argv[1:] = ['sdist','-f']
+                continue
+            elif task in '01235':
+                cmd_opts = {'config':[],'config_fc':[],
+                            'build_ext':[],'build_src':[],
+                            'build_clib':[]}
+                if c_compiler_name is not None:
+                    c = '--compiler=%s' % (c_compiler_name)
+                    cmd_opts['config'].append(c)
+                    if task != '0':
+                        cmd_opts['build_ext'].append(c)
+                        cmd_opts['build_clib'].append(c)
+                if f_compiler_name is not None:
+                    c = '--fcompiler=%s' % (f_compiler_name)
+                    cmd_opts['config_fc'].append(c)
+                    if task != '0':
+                        cmd_opts['build_ext'].append(c)
+                        cmd_opts['build_clib'].append(c)
+                if task=='3':
+                    cmd_opts['build_ext'].append('--inplace')
+                    cmd_opts['build_src'].append('--inplace')
+                conf = []
+                sorted_keys = ['config','config_fc','build_src',
+                               'build_clib','build_ext']
+                for k in sorted_keys:
+                    opts = cmd_opts[k]
+                    if opts: conf.extend([k]+opts)
+                if task=='0':
+                    if 'config' not in conf:
+                        conf.append('config')
+                    argv[1:] = conf
+                elif task=='1':
+                    argv[1:] = conf+['build']
+                elif task=='2':
+                    if prefix is not None:
+                        argv[1:] = conf+['install','--prefix=%s' % (prefix)]
+                    else:
+                        argv[1:] = conf+['install']
+                elif task=='3':
+                    argv[1:] = conf+['build']
+                elif task=='5':
+                    if sys.platform=='win32':
+                        argv[1:] = conf+['bdist_wininst']
+                    else:
+                        argv[1:] = conf+['bdist']
+            else:
+                print 'Skipping unknown task:',`task`
+        else:
+            print '-'*68
+            try:
+                task_func(argv,readline)
+            except Exception,msg:
+                print 'Failed running task %s: %s' % (task,msg)
+                break
+            print '-'*68
+        print
+    print '-'*72
+    return argv

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