[Numpy-svn] r3976 - trunk/numpy/testing

numpy-svn at scipy.org numpy-svn at scipy.org
Mon Aug 20 09:43:40 EDT 2007

Author: stefan
Date: 2007-08-20 08:43:21 -0500 (Mon, 20 Aug 2007)
New Revision: 3976

Add parametric unit tests (contributed by Fernando Perez).

Modified: trunk/numpy/testing/__init__.py
--- trunk/numpy/testing/__init__.py	2007-08-19 22:31:25 UTC (rev 3975)
+++ trunk/numpy/testing/__init__.py	2007-08-20 13:43:21 UTC (rev 3976)
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
 from info import __doc__
 from numpytest import *
 from utils import *
+from parametric import ParametricTestCase

Added: trunk/numpy/testing/parametric.py
--- trunk/numpy/testing/parametric.py	2007-08-19 22:31:25 UTC (rev 3975)
+++ trunk/numpy/testing/parametric.py	2007-08-20 13:43:21 UTC (rev 3976)
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+"""Support for parametric tests in unittest.
+:Author: Fernando Perez
+Briefly, the main class in this module allows you to easily and cleanly
+(without the gross name-mangling hacks that are normally needed) to write
+unittest TestCase classes that have parametrized tests.  That is, tests which
+consist of multiple sub-tests that scan for example a parameter range, but
+where you want each sub-test to:
+* count as a separate test in the statistics.
+* be run even if others in the group error out or fail.
+The class offers a simple name-based convention to create such tests (see
+simple example at the end), in one of two ways:
+* Each sub-test in a group can be run fully independently, with the
+  setUp/tearDown methods being called each time.
+* The whole group can be run with setUp/tearDown being called only once for the
+  group.  This lets you conveniently reuse state that may be very expensive to
+  compute for multiple tests.  Be careful not to corrupt it!!!
+This code relies on implementation details of the unittest module (some key
+methods are heavily modified versions of those, after copying them in).  So it
+may well break either if you make sophisticated use of the unittest APIs, or if
+unittest itself changes in the future.  I have only tested this with Python
+__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
+import unittest
+class ParametricTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+    """TestCase subclass with support for parametric tests.
+    Subclasses of this class can implement test methods that return a list of
+    tests and arguments to call those with, to do parametric testing (often
+    also called 'data driven' testing."""
+    #: Prefix for tests with independent state.  These methods will be run with
+    #: a separate setUp/tearDown call for each test in the group.
+    _indepParTestPrefix = 'testip'
+    #: Prefix for tests with shared state.  These methods will be run with
+    #: a single setUp/tearDown call for the whole group.  This is useful when
+    #: writing a group of tests for which the setup is expensive and one wants
+    #: to actually share that state.  Use with care (especially be careful not
+    #: to mutate the state you are using, which will alter later tests).
+    _shareParTestPrefix = 'testsp'
+    def exec_test(self,test,args,result):
+        """Execute a single test.  Returns a success boolean"""
+        ok = False
+        try:
+            test(*args)
+            ok = True
+        except self.failureException:
+            result.addFailure(self, self._exc_info())
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            raise
+        except:
+            result.addError(self, self._exc_info())
+        return ok
+    def run_test(self, testInfo,result):
+        """Run one test with arguments"""
+        test,args = testInfo[0],testInfo[1:]
+        # Reset the doc attribute to be the docstring of this particular test,
+        # so that in error messages it prints the actual test's docstring and
+        # not that of the test factory.
+        self._testMethodDoc = test.__doc__
+        result.startTest(self)
+        try:
+            try:
+                self.setUp()
+            except KeyboardInterrupt:
+                raise
+            except:
+                result.addError(self, self._exc_info())
+                return
+            ok = self.exec_test(test,args,result)
+            try:
+                self.tearDown()
+            except KeyboardInterrupt:
+                raise
+            except:
+                result.addError(self, self._exc_info())
+                ok = False
+            if ok: result.addSuccess(self)
+        finally:
+            result.stopTest(self)
+    def run_tests(self, tests,result):
+        """Run many tests with a common setUp/tearDown.
+        The entire set of tests is run with a single setUp/tearDown call."""
+        try:
+            self.setUp()
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:
+            raise
+        except:
+            result.testsRun += 1
+            result.addError(self, self._exc_info())
+            return
+        saved_doc = self._testMethodDoc
+        try:
+            # Run all the tests specified
+            for testInfo in tests:
+                test,args = testInfo[0],testInfo[1:]
+                # Set the doc argument for this test.  Note that even if we do
+                # this, the fail/error tracebacks still print the docstring for
+                # the parent factory, because they only generate the message at
+                # the end of the run, AFTER we've restored it.  There is no way
+                # to tell the unittest system (without overriding a lot of
+                # stuff) to extract this information right away, the logic is
+                # hardcoded to pull it later, since unittest assumes it doesn't
+                # change.
+                self._testMethodDoc = test.__doc__
+                result.startTest(self)
+                ok = self.exec_test(test,args,result)
+                if ok: result.addSuccess(self)
+        finally:
+            # Restore docstring info and run tearDown once only.
+            self._testMethodDoc = saved_doc
+            try:
+                self.tearDown()
+            except KeyboardInterrupt:
+                raise
+            except:
+                result.addError(self, self._exc_info())
+    def run(self, result=None):
+        """Test runner."""
+        #print
+        #print '*** run for method:',self._testMethodName  # dbg
+        #print '***            doc:',self._testMethodDoc  # dbg
+        if result is None: result = self.defaultTestResult()
+        # Independent tests: each gets its own setup/teardown
+        if self._testMethodName.startswith(self._indepParTestPrefix):
+            for t in getattr(self, self._testMethodName)():
+                self.run_test(t,result)
+        # Shared-state test: single setup/teardown for all
+        elif self._testMethodName.startswith(self._shareParTestPrefix):
+            tests = getattr(self, self._testMethodName)()
+            self.run_tests(tests,result)
+        # Normal unittest Test methods
+        else:
+            unittest.TestCase.run(self,result)
+# Quick and dirty interactive example/test
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    class ExampleTestCase(ParametricTestCase):
+        #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # An instrumented setUp method so we can see when it gets called and
+        # how many times per instance
+        counter = 0
+        def setUp(self):
+            self.counter += 1
+            print 'setUp count: %2s for: %s' % (self.counter,
+                                                self._testMethodDoc)
+        #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # A standard test method, just like in the unittest docs.
+        def test_foo(self):
+            """Normal test for feature foo."""
+            pass
+        #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # Testing methods that need parameters.  These can NOT be named test*,
+        # since they would be picked up by unittest and called without
+        # arguments.  Instead, call them anything else (I use tst*) and then
+        # load them via the factories below.
+        def tstX(self,i):
+            "Test feature X with parameters."
+            print 'tstX, i=',i
+            if i==1 or i==3:
+                # Test fails
+                self.fail('i is bad, bad: %s' % i)
+        def tstY(self,i):
+            "Test feature Y with parameters."
+            print 'tstY, i=',i
+            if i==1:
+                # Force an error
+                1/0
+        def tstXX(self,i,j):
+            "Test feature XX with parameters."
+            print 'tstXX, i=',i,'j=',j
+            if i==1:
+                # Test fails
+                self.fail('i is bad, bad: %s' % i)
+        def tstYY(self,i):
+            "Test feature YY with parameters."
+            print 'tstYY, i=',i
+            if i==2:
+                # Force an error
+                1/0
+        def tstZZ(self):
+            """Test feature ZZ without parameters, needs multiple runs.
+            This could be a random test that you want to run multiple times."""
+            pass
+        #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # Parametric test factories that create the test groups to call the
+        # above tst* methods with their required arguments.
+        def testip(self):
+            """Independent parametric test factory.
+            A separate setUp() call is made for each test returned by this
+            method.
+            You must return an iterable (list or generator is fine) containing
+            tuples with the actual method to be called as the first argument,
+            and the arguments for that call later."""
+            return ((self.tstX,i) for i in range(5))
+        def testip2(self):
+            """Another independent parametric test factory"""
+            return ((self.tstY,i) for i in range(5))
+        def testip3(self):
+            """Test factory combining different subtests.
+            This one shows how to assemble calls to different tests."""
+            return [(self.tstX,3),(self.tstX,9),(self.tstXX,4,10),
+                    (self.tstZZ,),(self.tstZZ,)]
+        def testsp(self):
+            """Shared parametric test factory
+            A single setUp() call is made for all the tests returned by this
+            method.
+            """
+            return ((self.tstXX,i,i+1) for i in range(5))
+        def testsp2(self):
+            """Another shared parametric test factory"""
+            return ((self.tstYY,i) for i in range(5))
+        def testsp3(self):
+            """Another shared parametric test factory.
+            This one simply calls the same test multiple times, without any
+            arguments.  Note that you must still return tuples, even if there
+            are no arguments."""
+            return ((self.tstZZ,) for i in range(10))
+    # This test class runs normally under unittest's default runner
+    unittest.main()

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