[Numpy-discussion] Floating point warnings/errors for comparisons, etc.?

Sebastian Berg sebastian at sipsolutions.net
Wed Jul 7 11:51:52 EDT 2021

Hi all,

I am trying to clean up our floating point warning handling:


And an upcoming PR to remove most floating point error clearing.  There
are some things I am unsure about, though.

Part of why it got so confusing, is that GCC seemed to have
fixed/changed their behaviour for comparisons with NaN.  In GCC 7 it
did not give the warning, but GCC 8 does (correctly).

Comparison with NaN

IEEE says that the default comparisons should give warnings for
comparison with NaN (except == and !=).  And notes that an alternative
should be provided (C99 does this with `isless`, etc.).

We currently break this by suppressing invalid value warnings for all
comparisons (e.g. also `NaN > 0.`).

We can easily do either version (aside possibly compiler issues).
Making it give warnings had one test case fail for `quantile`, which
uses the pattern:

    if not (np.all(q >= 0) and np.all(q <= 1)):
        raise ValueError("bad q")

This would additionally (and first) give an "invalid value" warning and
require `np.errstate(invalid="ignore") to suppress it.

I dislike diverging from IEEE, but Python also does not warn for [1]:

    float("nan") >= 0

and presumably the user either explicitly created the NaN or has seen a
warning earlier during computation when the NaN was first created.

(IEEE does not distinguish creating a new NaN with `0./0.` from a
comparison with `NaN > 0.` [2].  So we can't easily make this settable
via `np.errstate` or so.)

So, should we ignore the warning here?

Compiler Issues

Some compilers may get flags wrong.  How much effort do we want to
spend on details few users will notice?

My current problem is `1 % 0` and `divmod(1, 0)`.  The MacOS/clang CI
does not set the correct "invalid value" warning flag.  (The remainder
is NaN, so a new NaN is created and that should be indicated but the
C99 `fmod` does not set it.)

Signalling NaNs

I propose dropping any special concern for signalling NaNs.  Which
means they raise almost always.  Although, rarely we might suppress the
warning if we do it manually for normal NaNs [0].

We have two tests which check for behaviour on signalling NaNs. I could
not find having any logic to them besides someone being surprised at
signalling NaN behaviour at the time – not based on use-cases.
Even functions like `isnan` give a warning for signalling NaNs!

The "fix" for anyone having sNaN's is to convert them to qNaNs as early
as possible.  Which e.g. `np.positive(arr, out=arr)` should probably
do.  If this becomes an issue, maybe we could have an explicit ufunc.



[0] Mainly it seems SSE2 does not provide some non-error comparisons. 
So trying to avoid manually clearing errors might make some SSE code
considerable slower (e.g. `isfinite`, `np.min`).

[1] Probably Python just does not check the CPU warning flags

[2] https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/FP-Exceptions.html

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