[Numpy-discussion] Call for Reviewers

Anirudh Subramanian anirudh2290 at gmail.com
Thu May 21 19:15:12 EDT 2020

Thank you for your interest Mark. You can sort by date and go through the
PRs that have been lying around for a while and tag stale if there has been
no response for review comments, or if it needs more work. Also, ping the
author on the PR to see if they want to continue working on the PR if it
has been lying around for a while. There maybe PRs where there have been
not much reviews in which case you can tag it "Ready for Review". If you
have more time, you can also help review one or more of the many open PRs
or triage issues :).

Also, please provide your github id here so that a committer can provide
the triage permissions.


On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 2:24 PM Dr. Mark Alexander Mikofski PhD <
mikofski at berkeley.edu> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've never reviewed a Numpy PR before, but I have reviewed a (very) few
> SciPy PR's. I can help tag stale PR's. Just let me know where should I
> start, or what would be most helpful.
> Thanks,
> Mark
> On Wed, May 20, 2020, 1:29 PM Anirudh Subramanian <anirudh2290 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> This topic was brought up in the triage meeting today. Numpy is seeing a
>> huge surge in the number of PRs (current open PRs: 253) which could means
>> two things: 1. Increase in volume of incoming PRs 2. Not enough reviewers
>> to review the PRs.
>> One thing that was discussed in the meeting was to add a stale label :
>> "61 - Stale" which has already been added by Sebastian.
>> The community needs some help here and I think you can help irrespective
>> of your level of experience with the numpy codebase:
>> 1. Experienced numpy developers - To help review PRs for the areas they
>> are already familiar with.
>> 2. New contributors - Can help tag a stale PR or summarizing a long
>> running discussing and next or reviewing PRs/triaging issues (for example
>> DOC PRs should be a good starting point).
>> Numpy community has been generous with Triage access and if you are
>> interested in Triaging PRs or Issues, please reply on this thread and a
>> committer should probably be able to help.
>> I welcome more inputs on what we should do to reduce the number of open
>> PRs, and what would help increase contributors or for contributors to do
>> more reviews.
>> Anirudh
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