[Numpy-discussion] Opportunities for a NumPy sprint in Japan

Matti Picus matti.picus at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 02:40:57 EDT 2020

On 12/3/20 8:14 am, David Cournapeau wrote:
> I will try to join the meeting next week though (where are the info to 
> join ?),
> David

The next one will be a community meeting on Wed Mar 18, 11am California 
time on this zoom channel https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/762261535. We will 
be updating this hackmd document 
https://hackmd.io/76o-IxCjQX2mOXO_wwkcpg with topics for discussion, I 
will add you to the agenda. If you miss that one, we hold triage 
meetings on alternate weeks at the same time on the same zoom channel, 
the document for that is https://hackmd.io/68i_JvOYQfy9ERiHgXMPvg.


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