[Numpy-discussion] NumPy team update

Ilhan Polat ilhanpolat at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 13:31:42 EDT 2020

This is great. Can we have a SciPy version too Ralf?

On Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 6:31 PM Devulapalli, Raghuveer <
raghuveer.devulapalli at intel.com> wrote:

> Hi Ralf,
> Thank you for the acknowledgement. I am happy to contribute and hope to
> continue to do so in the future.
> Raghuveer
> *From:* NumPy-Discussion <numpy-discussion-bounces+raghuveer.devulapalli=
> intel.com at python.org> *On Behalf Of *Ralf Gommers
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 18, 2020 2:58 PM
> *To:* Discussion of Numerical Python <numpy-discussion at python.org>
> *Subject:* [Numpy-discussion] NumPy team update
> Hi all,
> The NumPy team is growing, and it's awesome to see everything that is
> going on. Hard to keep up with, but that's a good thing! I think it's a
> good time for an update on people who gained commit rights, or joined one
> of the teams we now have.
> For those who haven't seen it yet, we have a team gallery at
> https://numpy.org/gallery/team.html. It isn't yet updated for the changes
> in this email, but gives a good picture of the current state.
> Matti Picus joined the Steering Council. He has been one of the driving
> forces behind NumPy for well over two years now, and we're very glad to
> have him join the council.
> Ross Barnowski, Melissa Weber Mendonça, Josh Wilson and Bas van Beek
> gained commit rights. Ross has worked on the docs and reviewed lots of doc
> PRs for the last six months.  Melissa has led the doc structuring and
> tutorial writing effort and has done a good amount of f2py maintenance as
> well. Josh and Bas have been pushing the type annotation work forward,
> first in the numpy-stubs repo and now in master. It's great to have experts
> in all these topics join the team.
> Furthermore, we now have 10+ people in the community calls, the triage
> calls and the docs team calls (all bi-weekly and on the NumPy community
> calendar [1] - everyone is welcome). And there's more going on - I feel
> like I should mention some of the other excellent work going on:
> A lot of work is going into SIMD optimizations. Sayed Adel has made very
> nice progress on implementing universal intrinsics (NEP 38), and Raghuveer
> Devulapalli, Chunlin Fang and others have contributed SSE/AVX and ARM Neon
> implementations for many functions.
> For the website, Shaloo Shalini has continued working on new case studies,
> we're about to merge a really nice one on tracking animal movement. Ben
> Nathanson has contributed his technical writing and editing skills to
> improve our website and documentation content. And Isabela Presedo-Floyd
> has taken up the challenge of redesigning the NumPy logo, and we're nearing
> the end of the process there.
> The survey team has also been working hard. Inessa Pawson, Xiaoyi Deng,
> Stephanie Mendoza, Ross Barnowski, Sebastian Berg and a number of
> volunteers for translations are getting a really well-designed survey
> together.
> And then of course there's both old hands and new people doing the regular
> maintenance and enhancement work on the main repo.
> Writing this email started with "we just gave out some commit rights, we
> should put that on the mailing list". Then I realized there's lots of other
> people and activities that deserve a shout out. And probably more that I
> forgot (if so, apologies!). I'll stop here - thanks everyone for all you do!
> Cheers,
> Ralf
> [1]
> https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=YmVya2VsZXkuZWR1X2lla2dwaWdtMjMyamJobGRzZmIyYzJqODFjQGdyb3VwLmNhbGVuZGFyLmdvb2dsZS5jb20
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