[Numpy-discussion] Type declaration to include all valid numerical NumPy types for Cython

Eric Moore ewm at redtetrahedron.org
Sun Aug 9 20:49:37 EDT 2020

If that is really all you need, then the version in python is:

def convert_one(a):
    Converts input with arbitrary layout and dtype to a blas/lapack
    compatible dtype with either C or F order.  Acceptable objects are
    through without making copies.

    a_arr = np.asarray(a)
    dtype = np.result_type(a_arr, 1.0)

    # need to handle these separately
    if dtype == np.longdouble:
        dtype = np.dtype('d')
    elif dtype == np.clongdouble:
        dtype = np.dtype('D')
    elif dtype == np.float16:
        dtype = np.dtype('f')

    # explicitly force a copy if a_arr isn't one segment
    return np.array(a_arr, dtype, copy=not a_arr.flags.forc, order='K')

In Cython, you could just run exactly this code and it's probably fine.
The could also be rewritten using the C calls if you really wanted.

You need to either provide your own or use a casting table and the copy /
conversion routines from somewhere.  Cython, to my knowledge, doesn't
provide these things, but Numpy does.


On Sun, Aug 9, 2020 at 6:16 PM Ilhan Polat <ilhanpolat at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> As you might have seen my recent mails in Cython list, I'm trying to cook
> up an input validator for the linalg.solve() function. The machinery of
> SciPy linalg is as follows:
> Some input comes in passes through np.asarray() then depending on the
> resulting dtype of the numpy array we choose a LAPACK flavor (s,d,c,z) and
> off it goes through f2py to lalaland and comes back with some result.
> For the backslash polyalgorithm I need the arrays to be contiguous (C- or
> F- doesn't matter) and any of the four (possibly via making new copies)
> float, double, float complex, double complex after the intake because we
> are using wrapped fortran code (LAPACK) in SciPy. So my difficulty is how
> to type such function input, say,
> ctypedef fused numeric_numpy_t:
>     bint
>     cnp.npy_bool
>     cnp.int_t
>     cnp.intp_t
>     cnp.int8_t
>     cnp.int16_t
>     cnp.int32_t
>     cnp.int64_t
>     cnp.uint8_t
>     cnp.uint16_t
>     cnp.uint32_t
>     cnp.uint64_t
>     cnp.float32_t
>     cnp.float64_t
>     cnp.complex64_t
>     cnp.complex128_t
> Is this acceptable or something else needs to be used? Then there is the
> storyof np.complex256 and mysterious np.float16. Then there is the Linux vs
> Windows platform dependence issue and possibly some more that I can't
> comprehend. Then there are datetime, str, unicode etc. that need to be
> rejected. So this is quickly getting out of hand for my small brain.
> To be honest, I am a bit running out of steam working with this issue even
> though I managed to finish the actual difficult algorithmic part but got
> stuck here. I am quite surprised how fantastically complicated and
> confusing both NumPy and Cython docs about this stuff. Shouldn't we keep a
> generic fused type for such usage? Or maybe there already exists but I
> don't know and would be really grateful for pointers.
> Here I wrote a dummy typed Cython function just for type checking:
> cpdef inline bint ncc( numeric_numpy_t[:, :] a):
>     print(a.is_f_contig())
>     print(a.is_c_contig())
>     return a.is_f_contig() or a.is_c_contig()
> And this is a dummy loop (with aliases) just to check whether fused type
> is working or not (on windows I couldn't make it work for float16).
> for x in (np.uint, np.uintc, np.uintp, np.uint0, np.uint8, np.uint16,
> np.uint32,
>           np.uint64, np.int, np.intc, np.intp, np.int0, np.int8, np.int16,
>           np.int32,np.int64, np.float, np.float32, np.float64, np.float_,
>           np.complex, np.complex64, np.complex128, np.complex_):
>     print(x)
>     C = np.arange(25., dtype=x).reshape(5, 5)
>     ncc(C)
> Thanks in advance,
> ilhan
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