[Numpy-discussion] Testing your contributions

Matti Picus matti.picus at gmail.com
Sat Mar 16 12:42:00 EDT 2019

On 16/3/19 9:59 am, Sandy wrote:
> Hey there,
> I am new to numpy. I just wanted to know, suppose I make a code
> contribution to the repo https://github.com/numpy/numpy how do I test
> its working?
> _______________________________________________


You should add a test.

Running `python runtest.py` will build and run all the tests, including 
your new one.

More information is available at 

More information about a typical development workflow is at 

Please pinpoint unclear documentation by opening an issue 

In general, you will get a more sympathetic response by trying something 
first and reporting what didn't work or what was unclear.


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