[Numpy-discussion] New release note strategy after branching 1.17.

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 12:18:09 EDT 2019

On Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 8:59 AM Sebastian Berg <sebastian at sipsolutions.net>

> Hi all,
> we had discussed trying a new strategy to gather release notes on the
> last community call, but not followed up on it on the list yet.
> For the next release, we decided to try a strategy of using a wiki page
> to gather release notes. The main purpose for this is to avoid merge
> conflicts in the release notes file. It may also make things slightly
> easier for new contributors even without merge conflicts.
> Any comments/opinions about other alternatives are welcome.
> We probably still need to fix some details, but I this will probably
> mean:
> 1. We tag issues with "Needs Release Notes"
> 2. We ask contributors/maintainers to edit the initial PR post/comment
> with a release note snippet. (I expect maintainers may typically put in
> a placeholder as a start for the contributor.)
> 3. After merging, the release notes are copied into the wiki by the
> user or a contributor. After the copy happened, the label could/should
> be removed?
> SciPy uses a similar strategy, so they may already have some experience
> to do it slightly different that I am missing.
As an aid to future automation once the note is in the PR summary, we might
want to add a selection of  `notes: section` labels. The notes are also in
RST which is not completely compatible with MD, so we might want to be
careful about some things. Maybe put everything in a codeblock?


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