[Numpy-discussion] CI Testing

Stanley Seibert sseibert at anaconda.com
Wed Sep 12 20:25:33 EDT 2018

I just finished adding support to the Numba repo for Azure Pipelines:


The "free for open source" tier is 10 concurrent jobs that can run up to 60
minutes each (although the website says 30 minutes), and no limit on
minutes per month.  Like the other CI services, it uses YAML files to
define the build and test process.  I found the documentation of the YAML
pipeline spec to be large, but still missing a number of small details and
explanations about how features worked together.  That said, the build
performance is *significantly* better than Travis CI and AppVeyor for all 3
platforms, and the convenience of all major platforms going through one
service is very nice.  Despite not liking the UI quite as much as Travis
CI, I think Numba will likely switch completely over to Azure assuming the
free offering continues to be this good.

If you go beyond the free tier, you can connect self-managed build workers
to the same system, but the build agent is written in C#, so I'm not sure
how portable it is to ARM or PPC yet.

On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 7:02 PM, Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris at gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi All,
> We might want to take a look at testing/building on AZURE
> <https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/devops/pipelines/?&OCID=AID736750_SEM_CmoL6wVZ>.
> Probably worth exploring, although it is hard to find all information.
> IIRC, we got an offer from Microsoft along these lines a couple of years
> ago when we were looking to support MSVC.
> Chuck
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