[Numpy-discussion] Vectorized version of numpy.linspace

Sebastian Berg sebastian at sipsolutions.net
Wed Nov 14 17:06:10 EST 2018

On Wed, 2018-11-14 at 14:32 -0500, Marten van Kerkwijk wrote:
> Code being better than words: see 
> https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/12388 for an implementation. The
> change in the code proper is very small, though it is worrying that
> it causes two rather unrelated tests too fail (even if arguably both
> tests were wrong).
> Note that this does not give flexibility to put the axis where one
> wants; as written, the code made putting it at the start the obvious
> solution, as it avoids doing anything with the shapes of start and
> stop.

Hehe, my first gut feeling was the last axis to be the obvious one ;).
This has been discussed before (but what hasn't) I believe, probably
some old issue or even PR somewhere.
I am mildly in favor, just because there is probably not much reason
against an easy vectorization. Doesn't need to be advertised much in
the docs anyway.
Although it might be good to settle the "obvious" part in case I am not
alone in first thinking of -1 being the obvious default. I would
probably skip the axis argument for now, unless someone actually has a
use case.

I think this used to half work at some point, but it was probably so
broken that we can just make it well defined?

- Sebastian

> -- Marten
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