[Numpy-discussion] Adoption of a Code of Conduct

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Fri Jul 27 18:30:20 EDT 2018

On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 10:02 PM, Stefan van der Walt <stefanv at berkeley.edu>

> Hi everyone,
> A while ago, SciPy (the library) adopted its Code of Conduct:
> https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/dev/conduct/code_
> of_conduct.html
> We worked hard to make that document friendly, while at the same time
> stating clearly the kinds of behavior that would and would not be
> tolerated.
> I propose that we adopt the SciPy code of conduct for NumPy as well.  It
> is a good way to signal to newcomers that this is a community that cares
> about how people are treated.  And I think we should do anything in our
> power to make NumPy as attractive as possible!


Maybe a bit of context: the SciPy code of conduct had quite a lot of
discussion, and importantly in the end everyone involved in the discussion
was happy with (or at least not displeased by) the final document. Hence I
see it as a good document to adopt also by other projects.

And here's what I wrote as the intro for that CoC discussion:
As you probably know, Code of Conduct (CoC) documents are becoming more
common every year for open source projects, and there are a number of good
reasons to adopt a CoC:
1. It gives us the opportunity to explicitly express the values and
behaviors we'd like to see in our community.
2. It is designed to make everyone feel welcome (and while I think we're a
welcoming community anyway, not having a CoC may look explicitly
unwelcoming to some potential contributors nowadays).
3. It gives us a tool to address a set of problems if and when they occur,
as well as a way for anyone to report issues or behavior that is
unacceptable to them (much better than having those people potentially
leave the community).
4. SciPy is not yet a fiscally sponsored project of NumFOCUS, however I
think we'd like to be in the near future.  NumFOCUS has started to require
having a CoC as a prerequisite for new projects joining it.  The PSF has
the same requirement for any sponsorship for events/projects that it gives.

Note on (4): NumPy is a sponsored project of NumFOCUS, and I've been asked
several times how it can be that NumPy is sponsored but does not have a


> If we adopt this document as policy, we will need to select a Code of
> Conduct committee, to whom potential transgressions can be reported.
> The individuals doing this for SciPy may very well be happy to do the
> same for NumPy, but the community should decide whom will best serve
> those roles.
> Let me know your thoughts.
> Thanks!
> Stéfan
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