[Numpy-discussion] Adoption of a Code of Conduct

Nathaniel Smith njs at pobox.com
Thu Aug 2 00:26:35 EDT 2018

On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 8:34 PM, Ryan May <rmay31 at gmail.com> wrote:
> So I hear all the arguments about people feeling unsafe due to some truly
> despicable, discriminatory behavior, and I want absolutely no parts of
> protecting that. However, I also recognize that we in the U.S. are in a
> particularly divisive atmosphere, and people of varied political persuasions
> want absolutely nothing to do with those who share differing views. So, as a
> concrete example, if someone were to show up at a NumPy developer summit
> with a MAGA ("Make America Great Again") hat, or talks about their support
> for the president in non-numpy channels, WITHOUT expressing anything
> discriminatory or support for such views, if "political beliefs" is not in
> the CoC, is this person welcome? I'm not worried about my own views, but I
> have friends of widely varying views, and I truly wonder if they would be
> welcome. With differing "political beliefs" listed as something welcomed, I
> feel ok for them; if this language is removed, I'm much less certain.

This is a difficult scenario. I do know lots of people who are
uncomfortable with MAGA hats, and it's not because of they disagree
about the details of some farm bill or whatever, it's because it's
increasingly impossible to use that slogan without also expressing
support for racism, sexism, transphobia, etc. -- i.e., all the other
things that the CoC lists as unacceptable.

So I feel like... to the extent that some political position *isn't*
tied up with those things, I can't see why people would have a problem
with it, or why the CoC would need to bother mentioning it. (There are
all kinds of things we don't mention – "we welcome people with odd
*and* even telephone numbers!") And to the extent that some political
position *is* tied up with those things... it would be pretty
contradictory to list it as a protected class alongside race, sex,

I'm not going to go track people down on facebook and try to guess how
they voted or something, but if someone wore a MAGA hat to a numpy
sprint then I'd be totally fine with asking them to take it off in
consideration of the other participants.


Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org

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