[Numpy-discussion] Adoption of a Code of Conduct

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 10:49:21 EDT 2018

On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 12:20 AM, Nathan Goldbaum <nathan12343 at gmail.com>

> I realize this was probably brought up in the discussions about the scipy
> code of conduct which I have not looked at, but I’m troubled by the
> inclusion of “political beliefs” in the document.

It was not brought up explicitly as far as I remember.

> See e.g.
> https://github.com/jupyter/governance/pull/5

That's about moving names around. I don't see any mention of political

> As a thought experiment, what if someone’s political beliefs imply that
> other contributors are not deserving of human rights? Increasingly ideas
> like this are coming into the mainstream worldwide and I think this is a
> real concern that should be considered.

There is a difference between having beliefs, and expressing those beliefs
in ways that offends others. I don't see any problem with saying that we
welcome anyone, irrespective of political belief. However, if someone
starts expressing things that are intolerant (like someone else not
deserving human rights) on any of our communication forums or in an
in-person meeting, that would be a clear violation of the CoC. Which can be
dealt with via the reporting and enforcement mechanism in the CoC.

I don't see a problem here, but I would see a real problem with removing
the "political beliefs" phrase.


> On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 8:25 PM Charles R Harris <
> charlesr.harris at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 4:02 PM, Stefan van der Walt <
>> stefanv at berkeley.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> A while ago, SciPy (the library) adopted its Code of Conduct:
>>> https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/dev/conduct/
>>> code_of_conduct.html
>>> We worked hard to make that document friendly, while at the same time
>>> stating clearly the kinds of behavior that would and would not be
>>> tolerated.
>>> I propose that we adopt the SciPy code of conduct for NumPy as well.  It
>>> is a good way to signal to newcomers that this is a community that cares
>>> about how people are treated.  And I think we should do anything in our
>>> power to make NumPy as attractive as possible!
>>> If we adopt this document as policy, we will need to select a Code of
>>> Conduct committee, to whom potential transgressions can be reported.
>>> The individuals doing this for SciPy may very well be happy to do the
>>> same for NumPy, but the community should decide whom will best serve
>>> those roles.
>>> Let me know your thoughts.
>> +1 from me.
>> Chuck
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