[Numpy-discussion] Move scipy.org docs to Github?

Robert T. McGibbon rmcgibbo at gmail.com
Thu Mar 16 18:18:47 EDT 2017

I have always put my docs on Amazon S3 (examples: http://mdtraj.org/1.8.0/
, .http://msmbuilder.org/3.7.0/) For static webpages, you can't beat the
cost, and there's a lot of tooling in the wild for uploading pages to S3.

It might be an option to consider.


On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 5:08 PM, Pauli Virtanen <pav at iki.fi> wrote:

> Thu, 16 Mar 2017 08:15:08 +0100, Didrik Pinte kirjoitti:
> >> The advantage of something like github pages is that it's big enough
> >> that it *does* have dedicated ops support.
> >
> > Agreed. One issue is that we are working with a lot of legacy. Github
> > will more than likely be a great solution to host static web pages but
> > the evaluation for the shift needs to get into all the funky legacy
> > redirects/rewrites we have in place, etc. This is probably not a real
> > issue for docs.scipy.org but would be for other services.
> IIRC, there's not that many of them, so in principle it could be possible
> to cobble them with <meta> redirects.
> >> As long as we can fit under the 1 gig size limit then GH pages seems
> >> like the best option so far... it's reliable, widely understood, and
> >> all of the limits besides the 1 gig size are soft limits where they say
> >> they'll work with us to figure things out.
> >
> > Another option would be to just host the content under S3 with
> > Cloudfront.
> > It will also be pretty simple as a setup, scale nicely and won't have
> > much restrictions on sizing.
> Some minor-ish disadvantages of this are that it brings a new set of
> credentials to manage, it will be somewhat less transparent, and the
> tooling will be less familiar to people (eg release managers) who have to
> deal with it.
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