[Numpy-discussion] PyData Madrid

Kiko kikocorreoso at gmail.com
Sat Feb 20 14:21:24 EST 2016

2016-02-20 20:13 GMT+01:00 David Cournapeau <cournape at gmail.com>:

> On Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 5:26 PM, Kiko <kikocorreoso at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2016-02-20 17:58 GMT+01:00 Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com>:
>>> On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 9:46 PM, Sebastian Berg <
>>> sebastian at sipsolutions.net> wrote:
>>>> On Mi, 2016-02-17 at 20:59 +0100, Jaime Fernández del Río wrote:
>>>> > Hi all,
>>>> >
>>>> > I just found out there is a PyData Madrid happening in early April,
>>>> > and it would feel wrong not to go, it being my hometown and all.
>>>> >
>>>> > Aside from the usual "Who else is going? We should meet!" I was also
>>>> > thinking of submitting a proposal for a talk.  My idea was to put
>>>> > something together on "The future of NumPy indexing" and use it as an
>>>> > opportunity to raise awareness and hopefully gather feedback from
>>>> > users on the proposed changes, in sort of a "if the mountain won't
>>>> > come to Muhammad" type of thing.
>>>> >
>>>> I guess you do know my last name means mountain in german? But if
>>>> Muhammed might come, I should really improve my arabic ;).
>>>> In any case sounds good to me if you like to do it, I don't think I
>>>> will go, though it sounds nice.
>>> Sounds like a good idea to me too. I like both the concrete topic, as
>>> well as just having a talk on Numpy at a PyData conference. In general
>>> there are too few (if any) talks on Numpy and other core libraries at
>>> PyData and Scipy confs I think.
>> +1.
>> It would be great a numpy talk from a core developer. BTW, C4P closes
>> tomorrow!!!
>> Jaime, if you come to Madrid you know you have some beers waiting for you.
>> Disclaimer, I'm one of co-organizers of the PyData Madrid.
> Since when does one need disclaimer when offering beers ? That would make
> for a dangerous precedent :)

The disclaimer is not for the beers :-P

The beers sentence should be a "P.D.:"

> David
>> Best.
>>> Ralf
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