[Numpy-discussion] composition of the steering council (was Re: Governance model request)

Nathaniel Smith njs at pobox.com
Tue Sep 29 04:06:57 EDT 2015

On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 7:15 AM, Thomas Caswell <tcaswell at gmail.com> wrote:
> To respond to the devils advocate:
>  Creating this organizational framework is a one time boot-strapping event.
> You could use wording like "The initial council will include those who have
> made significant contributions to numpy in the past and want to be on it" or
> "The initial council will be constructed by invitation by Nathaniel and
> Chuck".  More objective criteria should be used going forward, but in terms
> of getting things spun up quickly doing things by fiat is probably ok.  I am
> not even sure that the method by which the initial group is formed needs to
> go into the governing document.

The problem is that according to the current text, not only is Travis
ineligible to join the council (it's a little weird to put people on
the seed council who wouldn't be eligible to join it normally, but
okay, sure) -- he's not even eligible to stay on the council once he
joins. So we would need to change the text no matter what.

Which we can do, if we decide that that's what we need to do to
accomplish what we want. It's our text, after all. I think it's
extremely important though that what we actually do, and what we write
down saying we will do, somehow match. Otherwise this whole exercise
has no point.


Nathaniel J. Smith -- http://vorpus.org

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