[Numpy-discussion] composition of the steering council (was Re: Governance model request)

Travis Oliphant travis at continuum.io
Wed Sep 23 20:47:36 EDT 2015

Thanks Chuck,

I have been paying some attention, actually --- just not speaking up until
there is a major difference of opinion (like the governance document...).
  I guess I don't feel like I've completely lost track of "how things work"
--- while there are some new wonderful faces and contributors.   It all
feels pretty familiar to past experiences (just pleasantly bigger and more

I don't expect to be the most active participant for sure, but I continue
to hope to train others where possible and be a resource for others to ask
questions of.


On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 6:08 PM, Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris at gmail.com
> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 3:21 PM, Travis Oliphant <travis at continuum.io>
> wrote:
>>> Regarding the seed council, I just tried to pick an objective
>>> criterion and an arbitrary date that seemed generally in keeping with
>>> idea of "should be active in the last 1-to-2-years-ish". Fiddling with
>>> the exact date in particular makes very little difference -- between
>>> pushing it back to 2 years ago today or forward to 1 year ago today,
>>> the only thing that changes is whether Pauli makes the list or not.
>>> (And Pauli is obviously a great council candidate, though I don't know
>>> whether he even wants to be on it.)
>>> > Personally, I have no idea how big the council should be. Too big, and
>>> > there is no point, consensus is harder to reach the larger the group,
>>> > and the main (only?) role of the council is to resolve issues where
>>> > consensus has not been reached in the larger community. But what is
>>> > too big?
>>> > As for make-up of the council, I think we need to expand beyond people
>>> > who have recently contributed core code.
>>> >
>>> > Yes, the council does need to have expertise to make technical
>>> > decisions, but if you think about the likely contentious issues like
>>> > ABI breakage, a core-code focused view is incomplete. So there should
>>> > be representation by:
>>> >
>>> > Someone(s) with a long history of working with the code -- that
>>> > institutional memory of why decisions were made the way they were
>>> > could be key.
>>> Sure -- though I can't really imagine any way of framing a rule like
>>> this that *wouldn't* be satisfied by Chuck + Ralf + Pauli, so my guess
>>> is that such a rule would not actually have any effect on the council
>>> membership in practice.
>> As the original author of NumPy, I would like to be on the seed council
>> as long as it is larger than 7 people.    That is my proposal.    I don't
>> need to be a permanent member, but I do believe I have enough history that
>> I can understand issues even if I haven't been working on code directly.
>> I think I do bring history and information that provides all of the
>> history that could be helpful on occasion.     In addition, if a matter is
>> important enough to even be brought to the attention of this council, I
>> would like to be involved in the discussion about it.
>> It's a simple change to the text --- basically an explanation that Travis
>> requested to be on the seed council.
> I too would like you to be a member. We could either write it into the
> text in recognition of your status as the Numpy creator, or it could be the
> first order of business. I would only ask that you give yourself some time
> to become familiar with how things work and the people involved in the
> current community. It has been some years since you have been active in
> code development.
> Chuck
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*Travis Oliphant*
*Co-founder and CEO*

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