[Numpy-discussion] Sorting refactor

Jaime Fernández del Río jaime.frio at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 00:24:00 EST 2015

Hi all,

I have been taking a deep look at the sorting functionality in numpy, and I
think it could use a face lift in the form of a big code refactor, to get
rid of some of the ugliness in the code and make it easier to maintain.
What I have in mind basically amounts to:

   1. Refactor _new_argsortlike to get rid of code duplication (there are
   two branches, one with buffering, one without, virtually identical, that
   could be merged into a single one).
   2. Modify _new_argsortlike so that it can properly handle byte-swapped
   inputs of any dtype, see gh-5441. Add proper handling of types with
   references, in preparation for the rest of changes.
   3. Add three functions to the npy_sort library: npy_aquicksort,
   npy_aheapsort, npy_amergesort, with a signature compatible with
   PyArray_ArgSortFunc , i.e. (char* start, npy_intp* result, npy_intp
   length, PyArrayObject *arr). These turn out to be almost identical to the
   string and unicode sort functions, but using the dtype's compare function
   to handle comparisons.
   4. Modify PyArray_ArgSort (and PyArray_ArgPartition) to always call
   _new_argsortlike, even when there is no type specific argsort function, by
   using the newly added npy_axxx functions. This simplifies PyArray_ArgSort a
   lot, and gets rid of some of the global variable ugliness in the current
   code. And makes argsorting over non-contiguous axis more memory efficient.
   5. Refactor _new_sortlike similarly to _new_argsortlike
   6. Modify the npy_quicksort, npy_mergesort and npy_heapsort functions in
   npy_sort to have a signature compatible with PyArray_SortFunc, i.e. (char*
   start, npy_intp length, PyArrayObject *arr). npy_quicksort will no longer
   rely on libc's qsort, but be very similar to the string or unicode
   quicksort functions
   7. Modify PyArray_Sort (and PyArray_Partition) to always call
   _new_sortlike, similarly to what was done with PyArray_ArgSort. This allows
   completing the removal of the remaining global variable ugliness, as well
   as similar benefits as for argsort before.

This changes will make it easier for me to add a Timsort generic type
function to numpy's arsenal of sorting routines. And I think they have
value by cleaning the source code on their own. So my questions, mostly to
the poor souls that will have to code review changes to  several hundred
lines of code:

   1. Does this make sense, or is it better left alone? A subset of 1, 2
   and 5 are a must to address the issues in gh-5441, the rest could arguably
   be left as is.
   2. Would you rather see it submitted as one ginormous PR? Or split into
   4 or 5 incremental ones?


( O.o)
( > <) Este es Conejo. Copia a Conejo en tu firma y ayúdale en sus planes
de dominación mundial.
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