[Numpy-discussion] Numpy FFT.FFT slow with certain samples

Pierre-Andre Noel noel.pierre.andre at gmail.com
Fri Aug 28 20:12:25 EDT 2015

 > Zero-padding won't help with the non-periodicity, will it?  For
 > that you may want to window instead.

Umh, it depends what you use the FFT for. You are right Stéfan when 
saying that Joseph should probably also use a window to get rid of the 
high frequencies that will come from the sharp steps at the beginning 
and end of his signal.

I had in mind the use of FFT to do convolutions ( 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convolution_theorem ). If you do not 
zero-pad properly, then the end of the signal may "bleed" on the 
beginning, and vice versa.

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