[Numpy-discussion] Is this a bug?

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Tue Sep 16 19:07:02 EDT 2014

On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 4:56 PM, Jaime Fernández del Río <
jaime.frio at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 3:26 PM, Charles R Harris <
> charlesr.harris at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 2:51 PM, Nathaniel Smith <njs at pobox.com> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 4:31 PM, Jaime Fernández del Río
>>> <jaime.frio at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > If it is a bug, it is an extended one, because it is the same behavior
>>> of
>>> > einsum:
>>> >
>>> >>>> np.einsum('i,i', [1,1,1], [1])
>>> > 3
>>> >>>> np.einsum('i,i', [1,1,1], [1,1])
>>> > Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> >   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>>> > ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with remapped
>>> shapes
>>> > [origi
>>> > nal->remapped]: (3,)->(3,) (2,)->(2,)
>>> >
>>> > And I think it is a conscious design decision, there is a comment about
>>> > broadcasting missing core dimensions here:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/master/numpy/core/src/umath/ufunc_object.c#L1940
>>> "intentional" and "sensible" are not always the same thing :-). That
>>> said, it isn't totally obvious to me what the correct behaviour for
>>> einsum is in this case.
>>> > and the code makes it very explicit that input argument dimensions
>>> with the
>>> > same label are broadcast to a common shape, see here:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/master/numpy/core/src/umath/ufunc_object.c#L1956
>>> >
>>> > I kind of expect numpy to broadcast whenever possible, so this doesn't
>>> feel
>>> > wrong to me.
>>> The case Chuck is talking about is like if we allowed matrix
>>> multiplication between an array with shape (n, 1) with an array with
>>> (k, m), because (n, 1) can be broadcast to (n, k). This feels VERY
>>> wrong to me, will certainly hide many bugs, and is definitely not how
>>> it works right now (for np.dot, anyway; apparently it does work that
>>> way for the brand-new gufunc np.linalg.matrix_multiply, but this must
>>> be an accident).
>>> > That said, it is hard to come up with convincing examples of how this
>>> > behavior would be useful in any practical context. But changing
>>> something
>>> > that has been working like that for so long seems like a risky thing.
>>> And I
>>> > cannot come with a convincing example of why it would be harmful
>>> either.
>>> gufuncs are very new.
>> Or at least newly used. They've been sitting around for years with little
>> use and less testing. This is probably (easily?) fixable as the shape of
>> the operands is available.
>> In [22]: [d.shape for d in nditer([[1,1,1], [[1,1,1]]*3]).operands]
>> Out[22]: [(3,), (3, 3)]
>> In [23]: [d.shape for d in nditer([[[1,1,1]], [[1,1,1]]*3]).operands]
>> Out[23]: [(1, 3), (3, 3)]
> If we agree that it is broken, which I still am not fully sure of, then
> yes, it is very easy to fix. I have been looking into that code quite a bit
> lately, so I could patch something up pretty quick.

That would be nice... I've been starting to look through the code and
didn't relish it.

> Are we OK with the appending of size 1 dimensions to complete the core
> dimensions? That is, should matrix_multiply([1,1,1], [[1],[1],[1]]) work,
> or should it complain about the first argument having less dimensions than
> the core dimensions in the signature?

Yes, I think we need to keep that part. It is even essential ;)

> Lastly, there is an interesting side effect of the way this broadcasting
> is handled: if a gufunc specifies a core dimension in an output argument
> only, and an `out` kwarg is not passed in, then the output array will have
> that core dimension set to be of size 1, e.g. if the signature of `f` is
> '(),()->(a)', then f(1, 2).shape is (1,). This has always felt funny to me,
> and I think that an unspecified dimension in an output array should either
> be specified by a passed out array, or raise an error about an unspecified
> core dimension or something like that. Does this sound right?

Uh, I need to get my head around that before commenting.

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