[Numpy-discussion] Reporting a bug to Apple.

Aron Ahmadia aron at ahmadia.net
Tue Jun 10 09:46:38 EDT 2014

On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 8:52 PM, Sturla Molden <sturla.molden at gmail.com>

> If we report a segfault Apple will probably think we are to blame. 99.9 %
> of bug reports come from idiots, and those who screen bug reports are
> basically payed to hit the ignore button. Indeed, good luck on reporting
> it.

I've reported bugs to Apple and seen them fixed in major releases of the
operating system (though not necessarily minor releases).  Unless things
have changed considerably since my last bug report, I don't think it's fair
to characterize their quality assurance team this way, particularly without
evidence to back up your point.

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