[Numpy-discussion] SciPy 2014 BoF NumPy Participation

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Thu Jun 5 16:45:09 EDT 2014

Hi Kyle

Kyle Mandli writes:

> The BoF format would be up to those who would lead
> the discussion, a couple of ideas used in the past include picking out a
> few of the lead devs to be on a panel and have a Q&A type of session or an
> open Q&A with perhaps audience guided list of topics.

Unfortunately I won't be at the conference this year, but if I were I'd
have enjoyed seeing a couple of short presentations, drawn from, e.g.,
some of the people involved in this discussion (Nathan can perhaps join
in via Google Hangout), about possible future directions.  That way one
can sketch out the playing field to seed the discussion.  In addition, I
those sketches would provide a useful update to all those watching the
conference remotely via video.


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