[Numpy-discussion] numpy.mean still broken for largefloat32arrays

Sebastian Berg sebastian at sipsolutions.net
Mon Jul 28 11:22:33 EDT 2014

On Mo, 2014-07-28 at 16:31 +0200, Eelco Hoogendoorn wrote:
> Sebastian:
> Those are good points. Indeed iteration order may already produce
> different results, even though the semantics of numpy suggest
> identical operations. Still, I feel this different behavior without
> any semantical clues is something to be minimized.
> Indeed copying might have large speed implications. But on second
> thought, does it? Either the data is already aligned and no copy is
> required, or it isn't aligned, and we need one pass of cache
> inefficient access to the data anyway. Infact, if we had one low level
> function which does cache-intelligent transposition of numpy arrays
> (using some block strategy), this might be faster even than the
> current simple reduction operations when forced to work on awkwardly
> aligned data. Ideally, this intelligent access and intelligent
> reduction would be part of a single pass of course; but that wouldn't
> really fit within the numpy design, and merely such an intelligent
> transpose would provide most of the benefit I think. Or is the
> mechanism behind ascontiguousarray already intelligent in this sense?

The iterator is currently smart in the sense that it will (obviously low
level), do something like [1]. Most things in numpy use that iterator,
ascontiguousarray does so as well. Such a blocked cache aware iterator
is what I mean by, someone who knows it would have to spend a lot of
time on it :).

[1] Appendix:

arr = np.ones((100, 100))
# being equivalent (iteration order wise) to:
res = np.zeros(100)
for i in range(100):
	res += arr[i, :]
# while arr.sum(0) would be:
for i in range(100):
	res[i] = arr[i, :].sum()

> On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 4:06 PM, Sebastian Berg
> <sebastian at sipsolutions.net> wrote:
>         On Mo, 2014-07-28 at 15:35 +0200, Sturla Molden wrote:
>         > On 28/07/14 15:21, alex wrote:
>         >
>         > > Are you sure they always give different results?  Notice
>         that
>         > > np.ones((N,2)).mean(0)
>         > > np.ones((2,N)).mean(1)
>         > > compute means of different axes on transposed arrays so
>         these
>         > > differences 'cancel out'.
>         >
>         > They will be if different algorithms are used.
>         np.ones((N,2)).mean(0)
>         > will have larger accumulated rounding error than
>         np.ones((2,N)).mean(1),
>         > if only the latter uses the divide-and-conquer summation.
>         >
>         What I wanted to point out is that to some extend the
>         algorithm does not
>         matter. You will not necessarily get identical results already
>         if you
>         use a different iteration order, and we have been doing that
>         for years
>         for speed reasons. All libs like BLAS do the same.
>         Yes, the new changes make this much more dramatic, but they
>         only make
>         some paths much better, never worse. It might be dangerous,
>         but only in
>         the sense that you test it with the good path and it works
>         good enough,
>         but later (also) use the other one in some lib. I am not even
>         sure if I
>         > I would suggest that in the first case we try to copy the
>         array to a
>         > temporary contiguous buffer and use the same
>         divide-and-conquer
>         > algorithm, unless some heuristics on memory usage fails.
>         >
>         Sure, but you have to make major changes to the buffered
>         iterator to do
>         that without larger speed implications. It might be a good
>         idea, but it
>         requires someone who knows this stuff to spend a lot of time
>         and care in
>         the depths of numpy.
>         > Sturla
>         >
>         >
>         >
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