[Numpy-discussion] Guidance regarding build and testing

Maniteja Nandana maniteja.modesty067 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 21 11:37:19 EST 2014

Hello Ralf,

On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 9:17 PM, Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com>

> Hi Maniteja,
> On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 4:04 PM, Maniteja Nanda
> You don't need a virtualenv. If you want to only run the tests and make
> sure your changes pass the test suite, the easiest option is ``python
> runtests.py`` in your numpy repo root dir. You can also run tests for a
> particular module that way - see the docstring of runtests.py for more
> details.
Thank you for the help. I couldn't find a way out in many discussion
threads. I saw the testing guide in the development workflow. As I
understood 'tests/test_xxx.py' is used to test the 'xxx' function.

If you want to use your modified numpy to for example import in IPython and
> play with it, I would use an in-place build. So ``python setup.py build_ext
> -i``, and then you can make python find that in-place build by adding the
> repo to your PYTHONPATH or by running ``python setup.py develop``. If you
> then make changes to Python code they're immediately visible, if you change
> compiled code you have to rebuild in-place again.
> Ralf
> As you told me , I have built a in-place copy of numpy and added it to the
Python path.

maniteja at ubuntu:~/FOSS/numpy$ echo $PYTHONPATH

Correct me please if I am wrong. I don't think this is causing the desired
change, since a simple print statement in *count* function in *ma* is not
printing anything when creating an masked array object.

In addition to this, I had a doubt in which branch should I do the
modifications, master or  testing branch in numpy. I used the testing
branch to create the build because that the master branch keeps getting
updated regularly. Would this be fine or should I use the master branch to
create the build?

Thanks in advance.
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