[Numpy-discussion] Bug in genfromtxt with usecols and converters

Adrian Altenhoff adrian.altenhoff at inf.ethz.ch
Mon Aug 25 03:02:16 EDT 2014


I tried to load data from a csv file into numpy using genfromtxt. I need
only a subset of the columns and want to apply some conversions to the
data. attached is a minimal script showing the error.
In brief, I want to load columns 1,2 and 4. But in the converter
function for the 4th column, I get the 3rd value. The issue does not
occur if I also load the 3rd column.
Did I somehow misunderstand how the function is supposed to work or is
this indeed a bug?

I'm using python 3.3.1 with numpy 1.8.1

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