[Numpy-discussion] strange runtimes of numpy fft

Henry Gomersall heng at cantab.net
Wed Nov 20 15:03:12 EST 2013

On 20/11/13 19:56, Chris Barker wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 3:06 AM, Henry Gomersall <heng at cantab.net
> <mailto:heng at cantab.net>> wrote:
>     Yes, this didn't occur to me as an option, mostly because I'm keen for a
>     commercial FFTW license myself and it would gall me somewhat if I
>     couldn't gain the same benefit from my own code as others.
>     So, given that, if anyone has an FFTW license and is keen for decent
>     Python wrappers, I'd be more than happy to discuss a sub-license to FFTW
>     in exchange for a more liberal (say MIT) license for pyFFTW.
> OT, and IANAL, but  I think what you'd want to do is dual-licence
> pyFFTW. Heck, you could even charge for a commercially-licenced version,
> as it would only be useful to folks that were already paying for
> a commercially-licenced FFTW

Apologies for the continued OT... I _have_ considered a commercial 
license, but so far, no knowledge of who might be interested. Again, not 
being a lawyer, I'm not even sure if this is clear cut and I can do it 
without a license myself (I think the GPL gets very confusing when it 
comes to runtime linking with some implementation of a published API, 
and interpreted languages make it even more so).

So, I'll put this out there, if anyone has a need for python wrappers 
for a commercial FFTW, please get in touch. All options considered. :)



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