[Numpy-discussion] Announcing Bokeh 0.2: interactive web plotting for Python

Sebastian Haase seb.haase at gmail.com
Wed Nov 6 05:55:30 EST 2013

you projects looks really great!
I was wondering if you are making use of any pre-existing javascript
plotting library like flot or flotr2 ?
And if not, what are your reasons ?

Sebastian Haase

On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 9:55 PM, Jason Grout
<jason-sage at creativetrax.com> wrote:
> On 10/24/13 1:42 PM, Peter Wang wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 10:11 AM, Jason Grout
>> <jason-sage at creativetrax.com <mailto:jason-sage at creativetrax.com>> wrote:
>>     It would be really cool if you could hook into the new IPython comm
>>     infrastructure to push events back to the server in IPython (this is not
>>     quite merged yet, but probably ready for experimentation like this).
>>     The comm infrastructure basically opens up a communication channel
>>     between objects on the server and the browser.  Messages get sent over
>>     the normal IPython channels.  The server and browser objects just use
>>     either send() or an on_message() handler.  See
>>     https://github.com/ipython/ipython/pull/4195
>> Yeah, I think we should definitely look into integrating with this
>> mechanism for when we are embedded in a Notebook.  However, we always
>> want the underlying infrastructure to be independent of IPython
>> Notebook, because we want people to be able to build analytical
>> applications on top of these components.
> That makes a lot of sense.  And looking at the code, it looks like you
> are cleanly separating out the session objects controlling communication
> from the plot machinery.  That will hopefully make it much easier to
> have different transports for the communication.
>>     Here's a very simple example of the Comm implementation working with
>>     matplotlib images in the Sage Cell server (which is built on top of the
>>     IPython infrastructure): http://sagecell.sagemath.org/?q=fyjgmk (I'd
>>     love to see a bokeh version of this sort of thing :).
>> This is interesting, and introducing widgets is already on the roadmap,
>> tentatively v0.4.  When running against a plot server, Bokeh plots
>> already push selections back to the server side.  (That's how the linked
>> brushing in e.g. this example works:
>> https://www.wakari.io/sharing/bundle/pwang/cars)
>> Our immediate short-term priorities for 0.3 are improving the layout
>> mechanism, incorporating large data processing into the plot server, and
>> investigating basic interop with Matplotlib objects.
> Great to hear.
> Jason
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