[Numpy-discussion] polyfit with fixed points

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 08:23:49 EST 2013

On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 12:41 AM, Jaime Fernández del Río <
jaime.frio at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 8:37 PM, Charles R Harris <
> charlesr.harris at gmail.com> wrote:
>> There are actually seven versions of polynomial fit, two for the usual
>> polynomial basis, and one each for Legendre, Chebyshev, Hermite, Hermite_e,
>> and Laguerre ;)
> Correct me if I am wrong, but the fitted function is the same regardless
> of the polynomial basis used. I don't know if there can be numerical
> stability issues, but chebfit(x, y, n) returns the same as
> poly2cheb(polyfit(x, y, n)).
> In any case, with all the already existing support for these special
> polynomials, it wouldn't be too hard to set the problem up to calculate the
> right coefficients directly for each case.
>> How do you propose to implement it? I think Lagrange multipliers is
>> overkill, I'd rather see using the weights (approximate) or change of
>> variable -- a permutation in this case -- followed by qr and lstsq.
> The weights method is already in place, but I find it rather inelegant and
> unsatisfactory as a solution to this problem. But if it is deemed
> sufficient, then there is of course no need to go any further.
> I hadn't thought of any other way than using Lagrange multipliers, but
> looking at it in more detail, I am not sure it will be possible to
> formulate it in a manner that can be fed to lstsq, as polyfit does today.
> And if it can't, it probably wouldn't make much sense to have two different
> methods which cannot produce the same full output running under the same
> hood.
> I can't figure out your "change of variable" method from the succinct
> description, could you elaborate a little more?

I think the place to add this is to lstsq as linear constraints. That is,
the coefficients must satisfy B * c = y_c for some set of equations B. In
the polynomial case the rows of B would be the powers of x at the points
you want to constrain. Then do an svd on B, B = u * d * v. Apply v to the
design matrix of the unconstrained points A'  = A * v.T so that B' becomes
u * d. The coefficients are now replaced by new variables c' with the
contraints in the first two columns. If there are, say, 2 constraints, u *
d will be 2x2. Solve that equation for the first two constraints then
multiply the first two columns of the design matrix A' by the result and
put them on the rhs, i.e.,

    y = y - A'[:, :2] * c'[:2]

then solve the usual l least squares thing with

    A[:, 2:] * c'[2:] = y

to get the rest of the transformed coefficients c'. Put the coefficients
altogether and multiply with v^T to get

    c = v^T * c'

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