[Numpy-discussion] Dropping support for, Accelerate/veclib?

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Fri Jun 14 16:35:27 EDT 2013

On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Andrew Jaffe <a.h.jaffe at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 11/06/2013 22:11, Chris Barker - NOAA Federal wrote:
> > On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 1:28 PM, Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> The binaries will still be built against python.org Python, so there
> >> shouldn't be an issue here. Same for building from source.
> >
> > My point was that it's nice to be able to have it build with an out of
> > teh box wetup.py with accelerated LAPACK and all... If whoever is
> > building binaries wants to get fancy, great.
> Yes, please. The current system does seem to work for at least some of
> us.  And, if I understand the thread in the scipy mailing list, it's not
> actually clear that there's a bug, as opposed to incompatible fortran
> ABIs (which doesn't seem like a bug to me).
> But I guess the most important thing would be that it can be used with
> apple or python.org Python builds (my reading of some of the suggestions
> would be requiring one of homebrew/fink/macports),

No we should support all pythons; python.org being the one supported by our
binary installers.


> preferably out-of-the-box -- even if that meant restricting to prebuilt
> binaries.
> Being able to run non-obscure installers (i.e., from the main python.org
> and scipy.org sites) for Python + numpy + scipy + matplotlib and get
> optimized versions would be sufficient.
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