[Numpy-discussion] Leaking memory problem

Nathaniel Smith njs at pobox.com
Tue Feb 26 02:04:12 EST 2013

Is this with 1.7? There see a few memory leak fixes in 1.7, so if you
aren't using that you should try it to be sure. And if you are using it,
then there is one known memory leak bug in 1.7 that you might want to check
whether you're hitting:

On 25 Feb 2013 13:41, "Jaakko Luttinen" <jaakko.luttinen at aalto.fi> wrote:

> Hi!
> I was wondering if anyone could help me in finding a memory leak problem
> with NumPy. My project is quite massive and I haven't been able to
> construct a simple example which would reproduce the problem..
> I have an iterative algorithm which should not increase the memory usage
> as the iteration progresses. However, after the first iteration, 1GB of
> memory is used and it steadily increases until at about 100-200
> iterations 8GB is used and the program exits with MemoryError.
> I have a collection of objects which contain large arrays. In each
> iteration, the objects are updated in turns by re-computing the arrays
> they contain. The number of arrays and their sizes are constant (do not
> change during the iteration). So the memory usage should not increase,
> and I'm a bit confused, how can the program run out of memory if it can
> easily compute at least a few iterations..
> I've tried to use Pympler, but I've understood that it doesn't show the
> memory usage of NumPy arrays.. ?
> I also tried gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE) and then printing
> gc.garbage at each iteration, but that doesn't show anything.
> Does anyone have any ideas how to debug this kind of memory leak bug?
> And how to find out whether the bug is in my code, NumPy or elsewhere?
> Thanks for any help!
> Jaakko
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