[Numpy-discussion] A new webpage promoting Compiler technology for CPython

Massimo DiPierro massimo.dipierro at gmail.com
Sat Feb 16 11:08:09 EST 2013

Sorry for injecting... Which page is this about?

On Feb 16, 2013, at 9:59 AM, Ronan Lamy wrote:

> Le 15/02/2013 07:11, Travis Oliphant a écrit :
>> This page is specifically for Compiler projects that either integrate
>> with or work directly with the CPython run-time which is why PyPy is not
>> presently listed.  The PyPy project is a great project but we just felt
>> that we wanted to explicitly create a collection of links to compilation
>> projects that are accessible from CPython which are likely less well known.
> I won't argue here with the exclusion of PyPy, but RPython is definitely 
> compiler technology that runs on CPython 2.6/2.7. For now, it is only 
> accessible from a source checkout of PyPy but that will soon change and 
> "pip install rpython" isn't far off.
> Since it's a whole tool chain, it has a wealth of functionalities, 
> though they aren't always well-documented or easy to access from the 
> outside: bytecode analysis, type inference, several GC implementations, 
> a JIT generator, assemblers for several architectures, ...
> Cheers,
> Ronan
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