[Numpy-discussion] savez documentation flaw

Scott Sinclair scott.sinclair.za at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 05:40:53 EST 2013

On 5 February 2013 10:38, Andreas Hilboll <lists at hilboll.de> wrote:
> I noticed that on
> http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.savez.html
> there's a "see also" to a function numpy.savez_compressed, which doesn't
> seem to exist (neither on my system nor in the online documentation).

Seems like a problem with the online documentation, savez_compressed
does exist on my numpy 1.6.2 and on master...

The docstrings for these functions are in numpy/lib/npyio.py. It's
sometimes easiest to locate the docstrings by following the source
link in the Doceditor (in this case from


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