[Numpy-discussion] pre-PEP for making creative forking of NumPy less destructive

Dag Sverre Seljebotn d.s.seljebotn at astro.uio.no
Fri May 18 02:11:53 EDT 2012

Dag Sverre Seljebotn <d.s.seljebotn at astro.uio.no> wrote:

>I'm repeating myself a bit, but my previous thread of this ended up 
>being about something else, and also since then I've been on an 
>expedition to the hostile waters of python-dev.
>I'm crazy enough to believe that I'm proposing a technical solution to 
>alleviate the problems we've faced as a community the past year. No, 
>this will NOT be about NA, and certainly not governance, but do please 
>allow me one paragraph of musings before the meaty stuff.
>I believe the Achilles heel of NumPy is the C API and the
>The reliance we all have on the NumPy C API means there can in practice
>only be one "array" type per Python process. This makes people *very* 
>afraid of creative forking or new competing array libraries (since they
>just can't live in parallel -- like Cython and Pyrex can!), and every 
>new feature has to go into ndarray to fully realise itself. This in
>means that experimentation with new features has to happen within one
>a few release cycles, it cannot happen in the wild and by competition 
>and by seeing what works over the course of years before finally making
>it into upstream. Finally, if any new great idea can really only be 
>implemented decently if it also impacts thousands of users...that's bad
>both for morale and developer recruitment.

Sorry for using the F-word so much, it is not accurate.

What I mean is complementary array features like resizeable arrays, arrays tuned for small n, arrays with metadata, lazy arrays, missing data concepts.. Today you can't just make a new array class and stick it on PyPI, because it wouldn't work seamlessly with C extensions. And that means, since it must be part of ndarray, you can't distribute it easily to others. So you can't depend on it for your own work and give it real testing without modifying ndarray, and that means everything new must be perfect on the first try, which is damaging.


>The meat:
>There's already of course been work on making the NumPy C API work 
>through an indirection layer to make a more stable ABI. This is about 
>changing the ideas of how that indirection should happen, so that you 
>could in theory implement the C API independently of NumPy.
>You could for instance make a "mini-NumPy" that only contains the bare 
>essentials, and load that in the same process as the real NumPy, and
>the C API against objects from both libraries.
>I'll assume that we can get a PEP through by waving a magic wand, since
>that makes it easier to focus on essentials. There's many ugly or less 
>ugly hacks to make it work on any existing CPython [1], and they 
>wouldn't be so ugly if there's PEP blessing for the general idea.
>Imagine if PyTypeObject grew an extra pointer "tp_customslots", which 
>pointed to an array of these:
>typedef struct {
>     unsigned long tpe_id;
>     void *tpe_data;
>} PyTypeObjectCustomSlot;
>The ID space is partitioned to anyone who asks, and NumPy is given a 
>large chunk. To insert a "custom slot", you stick it in this list. And 
>you search it linearly for, say, PYTYPE_CUSTOM_NUMPY_SLOT (each type 
>will typically have 0-3 entries so the search is very fast).
>I've benchmarked something very similar recently, and the overhead in a
>"hot" situation is on the order of 4-6 cycles. (As for cache, you can
>least stick the slot array right next to the type object in memory.)
>Now, a NumPy array would populate this list with 1-2 entries pointing
>tables of function pointers for the NumPy C API. This lookup through
>PyTypeObject would in part replace the current import_array()
>I'd actually propose two such custom slots for ndarray for starters:
>a) One PEP 3118-like binary description that exposes raw data pointers 
>(without the PEP 3118 red tape)
>  b) A function pointer table for a suitable subset of the NumPy C API 
>(obviously not array construction and so on)
>The all-important PyArray_DATA/DIMS/... would be macros that try for a)
>first, but fall back to b). Things like PyArray_Check would actually 
>check for support of these slots, "duck typing", rather than the Python
>type (of course, this could only be done at a major revision like NumPy
>2.0 or 3.0).
>The overhead should be on the order of 5 cycles per C API call. That 
>should be fine for anything but the use of PyArray_DATA inside a tight 
>loop (which is a bad idea anyway).
>For now I just want to establish if there's support for this general 
>idea, and see if I can get some weight behind a PEP (and ideally a 
>co-author), which would make this a general approach and something more
>than an ugly NumPy specific hack. We'd also have good use for such a
>in Cython (and, I believe, Numba/SciPy in CEP 1000).
>[1] There's many ways of doing similar things in current Python, such
>standardising across many participating projects on using a common 
>metaclass. Here's another alternative that doesn't add such 
>inter-project dependencies but is more renegade: 
>NumPy-Discussion mailing list
>NumPy-Discussion at scipy.org

Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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