[Numpy-discussion] addition, multiplication of a polynomial and np.{float, int}

Pierre Haessig pierre.haessig at crans.org
Wed Mar 7 17:02:39 EST 2012

Hi Charles,
Le 07/03/2012 18:00, Charles R Harris a écrit :
> That's a good idea, I'll take care of it. Note the caveat about the
> coefficients going in the opposite direction.
Great ! In the mean time I changed a bit the root polynomials reference
to emphasize the new Polynomial class.


I feel like that the preexisting text was more targeting people with a
preexisting knowledge of Poly1d than people looking for Polynomials in
NumPy in general. (Poly1d is unfortunately the number 1 Google result
for "polynomials numpy"...)

Please make sure I didn't write something completely stupid. Also, I
tried to include links using :doc: but the editor complains. I hope it
will work after a sphinx compilation. There is a build bot, isn't it ?
The aim of the first link is that the "user-in-a-hurry" ends up on the
best piece of documentation available, namely "Using the Convenience
Classes" after a short intro. Does this sounds good ?


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