[Numpy-discussion] NumPy 1.7 release plans

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Wed Jun 27 07:45:18 EDT 2012

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 11:08 PM, Travis Oliphant <travis at continuum.io>wrote:

> In my enthusiasm of finding someone to help with the release of NumPy 1.7
> and my desire to get something released by the SciPy conference, I was
> hasty and didn't gather enough feedback from others about the release of
> NumPy 1.7.  I'm sorry about that.
> I would like to get NumPy 1.7 out the door as quickly as we can *and* make
> sure it is as well tested as we can --- in fact I'm hoping we can also use
> this opportunity to setup a Continuous Integration system for NumPy that
> will essentially extend NumPy's testing infrastructure and make it easier
> to do releases in the future.    Ondrej, the author of SymPy, has agreed to
> help on the both the release and the Continuous Integration side.   Ideally
> we would also start producing a code coverage report and a vbench report
> for NumPy as well.   This is much more likely to happen if there are other
> people willing to pictch in
> (By the way, one of the goals of NumFOCUS is to provide Continuous
> Integration and code coverage resources to all of the Scientific Python
> projects as funds and community resources become available --- please email
> numfocus at googlegroups.com if you are interested in helping with that
> effort).
> So, I would propose a code-freeze by July 13th with a beta release of
> NumPy 1.7 by July 17th.    We will work to get that beta release actively
> tested by as many projects as possible, leading to a release candidate by
> July 31.     If all goes well I could imagine a release by August 14.   If
> we need to make another release candidate, then we can do that August 14th
> and push the release to August 28th.
> Let me know if there are any concerns about this updated schedule.
That schedule sounds good to me.

I thought Nathaniel did excellent work in getting tox and Travis CI
started up. Kudos there.

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