[Numpy-discussion] travis-ci support for numpy

Travis Oliphant travis at continuum.io
Sat Jun 16 19:39:15 EDT 2012

This is definitely in-line with the purpose of the foundation and so we'll make the donation.   Thanks, for letting us know. 



On Jun 16, 2012, at 3:16 PM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:

> Thanks to Marc Abramowitz[1], Numpy commits are now being tested by Travis-CI:
>    http://travis-ci.org/#!/numpy/numpy
> As discussed on the numfocus list[2], this isn't really a complete CI
> solution, because it only gives test coverage on 64-bit Ubuntu. But,
> it does cover all supported versions of Python, which should at least
> catch the very common Python 2.4 compatibility bugs, so that's useful
> until someone gets a proper buildbot set up. And what will be useful
> even then is that travis-ci can automatically test all pull requests
> and report the results in the PR discussion directly[3], sort of like
> Fernando's script, but without human intervention.
> To get this turned on, someone needs to:
>  -- donate some arbitrarily small (or large) amount:
> https://love.travis-ci.org/
>  -- email support at travis-ci.org and say "Hi, I donated and here is my
> order # to confirm; could you please turn on PR testing for the
> numpy/numpy repository, which was connected to travis by user
> 'njsmith'"
> I nominate Travis for the "someone", both on grounds of name collision
> amusingness and on grounds of him having a budget for such things :-).
> (Though literally, a $1 donation would seem to suffice from what the
> developers have said.)
> -n
> [1] https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/292
> [2] https://groups.google.com/d/msg/numfocus/I_kmL4FUGaY/f2tO7IEU-l4J
> [3] http://about.travis-ci.org/blog/announcing-pull-request-support/
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