[Numpy-discussion] Remove current 1.7 branch?

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at googlemail.com
Thu Jul 19 11:04:23 EDT 2012

On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 4:14 PM, Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris at gmail.com
> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 7:45 AM, Travis Oliphant <travis at continuum.io>wrote:
>> I'm not sure what the conclusion actually was from this long thread.
>> But, in trying to update the 1.7.x branch, I ended up in a very odd state
>> with respect to the github pages.   I used git filter-branch to try and get
>> rid of "empty" commits that were showing up for some reason.   However,
>> this resulted in a branch that seemed fine on my local version but when
>> pushed to github ended up duplicating nearly every commit in the
>> maintenance branch so that the commits page for maintenance/1.7.x showed a
>> duplicate commit for every actual commit,
>> I didn't know how to fix this except to delete the branch (after doing a
>> diff with master), recreate the branch, and apply the saved diff as a
>> patch.   I'm very sorry if I messed anyone up.
>> I thought the plan was to delete the branch anyway.     There could be
>> something else wrong as well, but I'm not sure what the implication of your
>> message is, exactly.
>> People using the maintenance/1.7.x branch (how many people were actually
>> using it?) will need to delete their local branch and re-pull from github.
> I agree that the easiest thing to do is remove the current 1.7 branch and
> branch again. It isn't quite according to the book of Linus, but it will
> get us where we need to be.
> git push upstream :maintenance/1.7.x

No, why? The damage is already done, this doesn't change anything. The
point was, as several people pointed out, to merge 1.7.x into master. Then
it could have either been deleted and recreated, or fast-forwarded. The
merge should have been straightforward. Nathaniel provided all commands

For now, let's leave it as is. Everyone who was using 1.7.x should just
delete his branch and recreate it. Then force push it to their own Github
account if necessary.

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