[Numpy-discussion] Buildbot status

Ondřej Čertík ondrej.certik at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 19:36:41 EDT 2012

Hi Stefan,

On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Stéfan van der Walt <stefan at sun.ac.za> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 6:31 PM, Travis Oliphant <travis at continuum.io> wrote:
>> Ondrej should have time to work on this full time in the coming days.
> That's great; having Ondrej on this full time will help a great deal.
>> NumFocus can provide some funding needed for maintaining servers, etc, but keeping build bots active requires the efforts of multiple volunteers.
>> If anyone has build machines to offer, please let Ondrej know so he can coordinate getting Jenkins slaves onto them and hooking them up to the master.
> I'd be glad if we could discuss it mainly on list, just to keep
> everyone in the loop.
> For now, I think we need to answer the two questions mentioned above:
> 1) What happens to the current installation on buildbot.scipy.org?
> 2) If we're not keeping buildbot, or if we want additional systems,
> which ones should we use? Jenkins?
> and then also
> 3) Which build slaves should we employ?  We have the current build
> slaves, the nipy ones have been volunteered, and then there's the GCC
> build farm mentioned by Fernando.
> Ondrej, perhaps you can comment on what you had in mind?  If we have a
> clear plan of action before you start off, we can all help out in
> putting the pieces together.

The only work that I did so far was to learn Jenkins and write these Fabric
files to automatically setup testing for pretty much any project, from the
command line:


If we go with EC2, then the same Fabric files can be used to provision the EC2.
That way, we can keep the configuration in one public repository and people
can send pull requests with improvements. And thus pretty much anyone
should be able to help with the maintenance. Currently it works in a way
that somebody sets it up, then becomes busy, and then the buildbots
stop working.
It might be too idealistic though, but if we can have most of the
setup in Fabric
and the rest well documented, it will be much easier for other people
to help out.

So feel free to go ahead with what you think is the best and I will join you
in a few days.


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